Division of Operations and Logistics

Every organization either manufactures a product, or provides a service, or both. "Operations" refers to the part of the organization that actually produces the product or service, while "logistics" refers to the part of the organization that delivers the product or service to the customer.

The Operations and Logistics Division studies fields such as:

  • Operations management - the study of operations in a manufacturing or service organization
  • Transportation - how physical goods move through a distribution system
  • Distribution planning - designing a logistics network
  • Supply chain management - managing the flows of goods and information between different organizations

We also have strengths in the economic analysis of transportation systems, in formulating and solving models of production and distribution systems, in modeling financial risks, in the methodologies of operations research and management science, and in data analysis.


Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Cohen-Hillel, Tamar
Granot, Daniel Game Theory and Application, Discrete Optimization, Operations Management
Huh, Tim Inventory control, supply chain management, capacity planning, operations research
Kim, Michael Dynamic Programming, Statistical Learning, Robust Optimization, Exploration vs Exploitation Trade-offs
Krishnan, Harish Economics and business administration; Inventory and distribution logistics; Contracts and supply chains; Incentive distortions in supply chains; Management; Operations management; Supply chain management
Li, Jiajin Continuous Optimization; Design and Analysis of Optimization Algorithms; Machine Learning
Nagarajan, Mahesh Supply chain management, applied game theory, inventory management
Paat, Joseph Mathematical optimization; Programming in operational research (including linear and nonlinear programming); Mixed integer programming; Combinatorial optimization; Polyhedral Geometry; Convex optimization
Ryan, Christopher Operations & Logistics; Optimization (discrete and infinite-dimensional); Design (contract, market, information); Learning (statistical, organizational)
Shechter, Steven Opertaions and logistics
Yan, Julia Integer Programming, Optimization, Transportation, Operations Research
Zhang, Hao Stochastic games, dynamic principal-agent problems; Information asymmetry and incentive problems in operations management; Supply-chain management, revenue management; Partially observable Markov decision processes, machine learning, reinforcement learning
Zhang, Anming transport economics and policy; air cargo logistics, Transport economics and policy, air cargo logistics, industrial organization
Zheng, Andrew Reinforcement learning , Bandits, Experimentation

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