Division of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources

The OBHR Division focuses on many aspects of the employment relationship, including the culture of organizations, managing organizational change, the roles and skills of managers, the development of human resources, labour-management relations, and international human resource management.


Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Bryan, Camellia Stigma, Identity Management, Diversity Training, Diversity Resistance, Identity Threat, Social Status, Intergroup Relations
Clough, David Economics and business administration; Organizational behavior; Entrepreneurship; Innovation management; Interorganizational networks; Organization theory; Organizational learning; Social Networks; Technological Innovations; Technological change
Daniels, Michael Emotions in organizations; Emotional Labor; Workplace mistreatment; Leadership; Cultural values
Evans, Jonathan Blair Industrial relations and work relations; Leader curiosity; Transparent use of influence tactics; Self deprecation and leadership perceptions; Active and passive forms of counterproductive behavior at work
Lee, Kevin Industrial relations and work relations; Future of Work & Organizing; Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship; Social Inequality, Worth, & Evaluation; Lived Experience of Organizations & Institutions
Paluch, Rebecca Non-Traditional Employment Relationships; Corporate Alumni Programs; Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations; Work-Life Practices and Policies; Human Resource Management
Raynard, Mia Industrial relations and work relations; Management and trade; Organization theory; Disruptive Change Processes; Emerging Economies; Family Enterprises; Societal Grand Challenges
Reilly, Patrick
Robinson, Sandra Industrial relations and work relations
Sajjadiani, Sima Economics and business administration; Organizational behavior; Compensation and Incentives; Employee Selection; Employee Turnover; HR Analytics; Human Resources; Incentives Design; Machine Learning Applications in HRM; Organizational Behaviour; Strategic HR
Schulz, Martin Economics and business administration; Organizational behavior; Bureaucracies; Change and Persistence; decision making; Knowledge Relevance; Logics of Appropriateness and Consequences; Military Institutions; Obsolescence; Organizational Knowledge; Organizational learning; Organizational Routines; Organizational Rules; Rule Networks; Social Order
Seidel, Marc-David Entrepreneurship; Organizational behavior; Sociology and social studies of science and technology; Discrimination and networks in the employment relationship; Distributed Trust Technologies; Early life factors role in later life workplace outcomes; Economic Systems; Impacts of New Information Technologies; Life Cycles ( Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, etc.); Media and Society; New Technology and Social Impacts; Organizational Theory; Social Networks; Social Organization and Political Systems; Social networks and organizational decision making; Social, Economical and Political Impacts of Innovations; Socio-Economic Conditions
van Jaarsveld, Danielle call centre management practices; employer-employee relations, Call centre management practices, employer-employee relationship, employment policy, labour market analysis, public sector collective bargaining, work and employment relations
Yu, Lingtao Economics and business administration; Organizational behavior; abusive supervision; Emotions; leadership and ethics; Management; mindfulness; workplace deviance

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