Graduate Student Travel and Research Dissemination Fund


Likely in December 2025

Annual Value

$500 lump sum per graduate student per degree program


Permanent Resident

Degree Level


Graduate students are eligible to receive the Graduate Student Travel and Research Dissemination Fund once per degree program. The Travel and Research Dissemination Fund provides funding support of $500 per graduate student.

Travelling outside of Canada: When students are planning travel outside of Canada for university purposes, they have obligations under UBC’s Student Safety Abroad Policy (SC12). Students are required to have adequate travel medical insurance, to register their travel on UBC’s Safety Abroad Registry, and to use the resources provided by UBC to support safe travel planning and risk management. In locations where the Government of Canada has official travel advisories in place, students are required to request High-Risk Authorization before travelling.  For more information, see: or email



To be eligible for the Travel and Research dissemination Fund:

The Travel and Research Dissemination Fund assists graduate students in sharing the results of their research with professional audiences, to contribute to students' professional development, and to provide them with career advancement opportunities.

  • Students must be registered in a UBC-Vancouver graduate program administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. This excludes a small number of programs, such as MBA, MM, MEng, etc. To check if your program is administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, please refer to the list of graduate programs offered at UBC.
  • Part-time graduate students are eligible for this award.
  • Expenses associated with a presentation or with open access publishing are eligible
  • The $500 award offer is limited to once per degree program
  • Students must be selected through a competitive, open, and publicly advertised process to:
    • present a paper or poster virtually or in person at an academic conference, such as annual disciplinary meetings or more focused workshops or symposia, or
    • participate in, perform or exhibit an artistic work virtually or in person.
  • The conference or competition must take place while the student is enrolled full-time in a graduate degree program. Students on official on-leave status are not enrolled full-time. Full-time enrollment ceases at the end of the month when all degree requirements are completed, not at the time of convocation
  • Multiple students cannot receive the full award for the same paper / poster / performance. In cases where there are multiple presenters of a co-authored paper or poster, a single student (normally, the student who made the greatest contribution to the paper or poster) may apply for and receive the award.
  • Students must not have previously received the award during the same degree program
Open Access Publishing
  • If a student has a peer-reviewed publication accepted for open access publication and the open access incurs a fee (often, "article process charge") from the journal or publisher, this fee is eligible for the award
  • The student must be enrolled in their program at the time of acceptance of the publication.
  • Students must not have previously received the award during the same degree program

Please be sure to learn about open access publishing before submitting to journals/publishers, and be particularly aware of the risks associated with “predatory publishers”.

Application Procedures

Application Requirements

Students must submit the following to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies:

  • Completed Graduate Student Travel and Research Dissemination Fund Application. Application must be signed by student and faculty supervisor.
  • Proof of conference presentation or program agenda, or proof of open access publishing charge
  • NEW!  Prior to 2023, the award operated on a reimbursement model (ie. receipts required).  As of 2023, receipts are no longer required – all eligible applicants will receive a $500 award offer.

Note: The complete application should be submitted by email to only after travel or open access publishing has taken place. Applications for future travel will not be accepted. 

payment to Student

Upon receipt of the application form and proof of conference presentation or proof of open access publishing charge, applicant will receive an award offer of $500 from the Graduate Student Travel and Research Dissemination Fund.  Reminder: Graduate students are eligible to receive the Fund once per degree program.

Funds will be assigned to the student as an award via Workday. Students who have signed up for direct deposit will receive the funds directly in their personal bank account. Otherwise, a cheque will be issued that the student will pick up from Brock Hall.

payment to UBC Faculty Supervisor

In some cases, the applicant may wish for their UBC faculty supervisor to be paid the award funds, rather than themself (ex. if their faculty supervisor paid all of their travel expenses to the conference). Upon receipt of the application form and proof of conference presentation or proof of open access publishing charge, funds will be transferred directly from the Fund into the faculty supervisor's research account in Workday.

Further Information

Applications will be accepted only after travel is completed. Otherwise, there is no deadline for submission - students may submit Graduate Student Travel Fund applications at any time.

Complete Graduate Student Travel Fund applications are processed approximately every two weeks by Awards staff. Processing of complete applications from August to November may take a bit longer, as this is the peak period for Graduate Awards staff.


Sign up for an information session to connect with students, advisors and faculty from across UBC and gain application advice and insight.