Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering covers the following areas of specialization: civil engineering materials, environmental fluid mechanics, environmental systems engineering, geo-environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydrotechnical engineering, project & construction management, structural & earthquake engineering, transportation engineering
Explore our Programs in Civil Engineering
Faculty Members in Civil Engineering
Name | Research Interests |
Adebar, Perry Erwin | Concrete structures, seismic design, high-rise buildings, shear design, evaluation and repair of structures |
Banthia, Nemkumar | Materials engineering, concrete, advanced composite materials, shotcrete, fibre reinforcement, rebound mechanics, kinamatic studies, optimization, supplementary cementing materials in concrete |
Beck, Sara | Natural environment sciences; Water quality; Innovative water treatment solutions; Ultraviolet disinfection mechanisms; Applications of UV LEDs (light emitting diodes); Water disinfection; Water reuse; Applied environmental microbiology |
Berube, Pierre | Water treatment, trace organic contaminants, membrane and advanced oxidation technologies., Drinking water treatment, filtration/membrane processes for water and wastewater treatment, distribution system water quality, advanced oxidation, wastewater reuse |
Bigazzi, Alex | Civil engineering; Transport planning; active transportation; Pedestrians; bicycles; travel behaviour; Transportation Systems; motor vehicle emissions; Climate impacts |
Fannin, R Jonathan | Shear wave velocity for the detection of fines loss in soils, internal erosion in earth dams, seepage-induced instability in gap-graded soils, grain shape and the strength of sands, filtration compatibility of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, pullout resistance of geogrids in static and dynamic loading, debris flow travel distance on steep mountainous terrain, slope stability in engineering practice |
Haukaas, Terje | Structural engineering; Earthquake engineering; Structural Reliability; Sensitivity Analysis; Earthquake Engineering; Nonlinear Structural Analysis |
Jelovica, Jasmin | Civil engineering; Mechanical engineering; Finite element analysis; Machine Learning; Metals and Alloys; Production and Process Optimization; Sandwich structures; Solid Mechanics; Stress Analysis; Structural optimization; Ultimate, fatigue and impact strength; Welding and joining of metals |
Kalyan, Bavisha | Environmental justice; Environmental Health and Engineering; Urban and Industrial water and soil contamination |
Kim, Amy | Land transportation systems engineering, n.e.c.; Traffic and highway engineering |
Laval, Bernard | Civil engineering; Oceanography |
Lawrence, Gregory | Environmental fluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydrodynamic stability and mixing, physical limnology, water quality management |
Lee, Jongho | Membranes, Water/Wastewater Treatment, Desalination, Resource Harvesting, Nanoporous Media, Electrokinetics |
Lence, Barbara Jean | Hydrotechnical, Optimizing design and operational strategies of water resources projects, reliable withdrawal-treatment strategies for contaminated groundwater supply systems, asset management strategies for mid-sized water utilities with limited break data, water distribution system operational procedures to meet hydraulic and water quality objectives |
Li, Loretta | Contaminated site investigation and management, environmental monitoring, risk and impact assessment, soil-contaminant interactions, mobility and migration of contaminants, remediation technology, mine tailings waste disposal and treatment processes |
Molina Hutt, Carlos | Earthquake engineering, performance-based seismic design, seismic resilience, risk analysis, high-rise buildings, innovative structural systems |
Sayed, Tarek | transportation engineering, Transportation, Full Bayes safety models, Automated safety analysis using computer vision techniques, Safety evaluations, Traffic conflicts techniques, Pedestrian modeling, and ITS |
Scholes, Rachel | Environmental chemistry; Trace contaminants; Water reuse; Nature-based treatment systems; Stormwater treatment; Green Chemistry |
Staub-French, Sheryl | Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), Building Information Modeling (BIM), collaboration and integrated project delivery, design and construction coordination, 4D (3D + time) visualization, interactive workspaces |
Swei, Omar | Asset Management, Life Cycle Modeling, Optimization Methods, Real Options, Reinforcement Learning, Risk Analysis, Sequential Decision-Making, Stochastic Modeling, Sustainable Infrastructure Management, Time-Series Methods, Uncertainty Estimation and Propagation |
Taiebat, Mahdi | Geomechanics; Geotechnical engineering; theoretical and computational geomechanics; constitutive modeling of engineering materials; physics and mechanics of granular materials; geotechnical earthquake engineering; seismic soil-structure interaction |
Vaziri, Reza | Finite element analysis, Mechanics of composite materials, Constitutive modeling of engineering materials, Plasticity, Damage mechanics, Process modeling of composite structures, Analysis of impact and blast loading of metallic and composite structures |
Ventura, Carlos Estuardo | Earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, full scale vibration testing, shake table testing Seismic risk evaluation and hazard management studies Investigation of earthquake effects on man-made structures |
Weijs, Steven | Civil engineering; Water; Hydrological Cycle and Reservoirs; Drinking Water; Fresh Water; Information; Hydroelectricity; Ice and Snow; control of water systems; droughts; experimental hydrology; floods; Hydrological Prediction; Hydrology; information theory; mountain hydrology; sensors; uncertainty; water resources management |
Wijewickreme, Dharmapriya | Geotechnical, pipeline geotechnical engineering |
Yang, Tsung-Yuan | Seismic behavior and design of steel, concrete and composite structures, seismic behavior and design of tall buildings, develop performance-based evaluation methodology and code design procedures for new and existing structures, using innovative structural component and systems to improve structural performance, including the use of innovative active, semi-active and passive energy dissipation systems, develop accurate and cost effective experimental methods to analyze structural response under extreme loading conditions. |
Ziels, Ryan | Environmental engineering; Genomics; Environmental biotechnology; Anaerobic digestion; Biological nutrient removal; Environmental Systems Engineering; Microbial biotechnology; Microbial ecology; Multi-omics; Resource recovery; Sustainable biological wastewater treatment |