Alex Bigazzi
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- Familiarize yourself with program requirements. You want to learn as much as possible from the information available to you before you reach out to a faculty member. Be sure to visit the graduate degree program listing and program-specific websites.
- Check whether the program requires you to seek commitment from a supervisor prior to submitting an application. For some programs this is an essential step while others match successful applicants with faculty members within the first year of study. This is either indicated in the program profile under "Admission Information & Requirements" - "Prepare Application" - "Supervision" or on the program website.
- Identify specific faculty members who are conducting research in your specific area of interest.
- Establish that your research interests align with the faculty member’s research interests.
- Read up on the faculty members in the program and the research being conducted in the department.
- Familiarize yourself with their work, read their recent publications and past theses/dissertations that they supervised. Be certain that their research is indeed what you are hoping to study.
- Compose an error-free and grammatically correct email addressed to your specifically targeted faculty member, and remember to use their correct titles.
- Do not send non-specific, mass emails to everyone in the department hoping for a match.
- Address the faculty members by name. Your contact should be genuine rather than generic.
- Include a brief outline of your academic background, why you are interested in working with the faculty member, and what experience you could bring to the department. The supervision enquiry form guides you with targeted questions. Ensure to craft compelling answers to these questions.
- Highlight your achievements and why you are a top student. Faculty members receive dozens of requests from prospective students and you may have less than 30 seconds to pique someone’s interest.
- Demonstrate that you are familiar with their research:
- Convey the specific ways you are a good fit for the program.
- Convey the specific ways the program/lab/faculty member is a good fit for the research you are interested in/already conducting.
- Be enthusiastic, but don’t overdo it.
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These videos contain some general advice from faculty across UBC on finding and reaching out to a potential thesis supervisor.
Graduate Student Supervision
Doctoral Student Supervision
Dissertations completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest dissertations.
Cities are developing facilities for walking and cycling to improve safety and meet mode share goals for active transportation. People’s perceptions of safety and comfort (PSC) on those facilities mediate the influence on travel behaviour. For pedestrians, a critical component of PSC is interactions with vehicles at crosswalks. Today, pedestrians mainly interact with bicycles and cars, but they will also need to interact with self-driving vehicles (SDVs) in the future. A key gap in understanding of pedestrian PSC is how the type of interacting road user (bicycle vs. car vs. SDV) influences PSC. The goals of this dissertation are to improve understanding of PSC in intermodal interactions for a diverse and representative array of people, and to apply that knowledge to inform policy for responsible introduction of SDVs in a way that maintains walkable streets. I develop statistical models using data from two online surveys in which participants rate safety and comfort for sample videos of pedestrian interactions with bicycles, cars, and SDVs in unsignalized crosswalks. Results show that perception of yielding plays a crucial role in directly and indirectly influencing PSC, and yielding is most strongly (but not exclusively) determined by whether the pedestrian crossed before or after the interacting road user. All else equal, people perceive pedestrian interactions with SDVs as less safe and less comfortable than similar interactions with human-driven cars, which in turn are perceived as less safe and less comfortable than similar interactions with bicycles. To ensure comfort for a majority of pedestrians, SDVs must provide crossing pedestrians with more passing time than cars, and car drivers must yield more than bicycles. In terms of attitudes towards SDVs, British Columbians are almost evenly split on policies allowing SDVs, but a large majority want restrictions on SDVs on operating near pedestrian priority areas, without a human in the driver seat, or without clear identification. To ensure pedestrian-friendly introduction of SDVs, especially for older individuals, people of colour, and women, I recommend a cautious, tiered approach beginning with restricted pilot testing to allow road users to develop familiarity with SDV interactions.
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Master's Student Supervision
Theses completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest theses.
Inclusion of bicycle traffic in microsimulation tools is essential for evaluating bicycle-accessible infrastructure projects. However, the representation of bicycles in microsimulation models is still at an early stage of development. A better understanding of cyclist behaviour during various interactions is needed to enhance bicycle microsimulation models, which is a pre-requisite for accurate microscopic modeling of bicycle traffic operations. Due to the limited availability of detailed data, the inherent complexity of cyclist decision-making, and the substantial heterogeneity in cycling behaviour, modeling cyclist operation behaviour requires novel methods and techniques. This thesis aims first to characterize cyclist maneuvers in following and overtaking interactions using multivariate finite mixture model-based clustering. Second, an agent-based bicycle simulation method is proposed to model cyclists as intelligent agents making operational and tactical decisions based on their observations of the operating environment. Cyclist position data associated with time stamps are used to infer state and future decisions. The data are extracted from videos collected in Vancouver, BC, Canada using computer vision techniques. For segmenting behavioural states, observations of cyclists in following interactions are clustered into constrained and unconstrained states. Observations of overtaking cyclists are clustered into initiation, merging and post-overtaking states. Generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) is used to infer the uncertain intentions and preferences of cyclists from observational data. The model is validated by comparing multivariate distributions of variables such as speed, direction, and spacing of observed and simulated cyclist trajectories. The model performs well in comparison to two other cyclist simulation models from the literature. The proposed approach to miscrosimulation is a significant advancement in agent-based modeling methods, with continuous, non-linear, and stochastic representation of states, decisions, and actions. By modeling cyclist heterogeneity, the proposed approach can enhance applications in bicycle facility planning and design, safety modeling, and energy modeling with consideration of the full diversity of cyclists. Such an advancement is necessary for developing bicycle networks for all ages and abilities of riders.
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The full abstract for this thesis is available in the body of the thesis, and will be available when the embargo expires.
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The full abstract for this thesis is available in the body of the thesis, and will be available when the embargo expires.
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This thesis aims to inform fully autonomous self-driving vehicle (SDV) policy with respect to pedestrian comfort and safety. To pursue new insights, the novel approach of Structural Topic Modeling is used to organize open-response comments into prominent topics, or themes, and explore the factors affecting the prevalence and content of topics. This thesis is comprised of two parts. In both parts, participants in an online survey rated the comfort and safety of pedestrian interactions shown in short video clips and provided open-response comments clarifying their ratings. In part 1, the video clips showed pedestrian interactions with human-driven vehicles (HDVs) and bicycles. In Part 2, the video clips only showed interactions with HDVs, except participants were told that half of the videos involved SDVS. This deception-based survey design allowed for isolation of the intrinsic effect of SDV technology on comfort and safety perceptions across a broad sample of the population, separate from potential operating differences from HDVs. Results indicate that pedestrian interactions with each of the three types of road users were perceived as fundamentally different and should be treated as such in future research and analysis. Interactions with bicycles elicited topics mainly concerned with yielding; interactions with HDVs elicited topics mainly concerned with risk; and interactions with SDVs elicited topics mainly concerned with rule compliance. Participants increasingly ascribed more responsibility to the pedestrian as the degree of detachment (physically and conceptually) between the pedestrian and the interacting road user increased – from cyclist to HDV to SDV. To ensure that the integration of SDVs into the existing transportation system does not undermine efforts to prioritize and promote active transportation, SDVs should be programmed to strictly comply with road rules.
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Better understanding of the impacts of new mobility services (NMS) is needed to inform evidence-based policy, but cities and researchers are hindered by a lack of access to detailed system data. Application Programming Interface (API) services can be a medium for real-time data sharing and have been used for data collection in the past. However, the literature lacks a systematic examination of the potential value of publicly-available API data for extracting policy-relevant information, specifically supply and demand, on NMS. This thesis is comprised of two main parts. The objectives of part 1 are to catalogue all the publicly-available API data streams for NMS in three major cities known as the Cascadia Corridor (Vancouver, British Columbia, Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon), to create, apply, and share web data extraction tools (Python scripts) for each API, and to assess the usefulness of the extracted data in quantifying supply and demand for each service. The objective of part 2 is to use the data extracted in part 1 to assess the equity performance of Uber’s wheelchair accessible service, UberWAV, by itself and in comparison to the standard Uber service, UberX. In part 2 the temporal and spatial distributions of the availability and accessibility of each service is investigated. Results of part 1 reveal some measures of supply and demand that can be extracted from API data and useful in future analysis. However, important information on supply and demand of most of the NMS in these cities cannot be obtained through API data extraction. Stronger open data policies for mobility services are therefore needed if policymakers want to obtain useful and independent insights on the usage of these services. Results of part 2 show that unlike UberX which is almost universally available, UberWAV is only available 60% of the time with an average wait time of 16 minutes on average (4 times that of UberX). The distributional analysis shows no inequitable distribution of availability or accessibility of UberWAV in Portland, Oregon with regards to income, and race. To make UberWAV more available and accessible, cities must enforce stronger licensing schemes to ridesourcing companies.
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No abstract available.
With an increasing focus on bicycling as a mode of urban transportation, there is a pressing need for advanced tools for bicycle travel analysis and modeling. The objective of this thesis is to introduce “Biking schedules” to represent archetypal urban cycling dynamics along with its methods of construction and potential applications.Biking schedules are constructed by appending short trip segments, called microtrips, together. Three different methods of constructing biking schedules with both speed and road grade attributes are developed. As an initial proof-of-concept, the methods are applied and compared using a pre-existing demonstration data set of 55 hours of 1-Hz on-road GPS data from three cyclists. Biking schedules are evaluated based on their ability to represent the speed dynamics, power output, and breathing rates of a calibration data set and then validated for different riders. The impact of using coarser 3, 5, and 10 second GPS logging intervals on the accuracy of the schedules is also evaluated. Results indicate that the best biking schedule construction method depends on the volume and resolution of the calibration data set. Overall, biking schedules can successfully represent most of the assessed characteristics of cycling dynamics in the calibration data set within 5%. As a second step, the biking schedule construction methods are further developed and validated by collecting and applying a large, naturalistic, GPS-based data set of 2314 bicycle trips in Vancouver, Canada. We specifically explored the optimal microtrip definition to be adopted in constructing biking schedules. The choice of the optimal microtrip definition depends on the parameter that biking schedules are originally generated to model. Generally, the 150m microtrips generated the most precise biking schedules. The collected data are also used to compare the travel characteristics and construct biking schedules for regular and electric bikes. Results show that electric bikes travel 7 km/hr and accelerate 0.17 km/hr/sec faster than regular bicycles. Moreover, the total energy used to move electric bikes is almost twice as much as the energy used by regular bikes. These results have implications in designing bike lanes and safety analysis. Potential applications for biking schedules are also discussed.
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Road grade is a major factor influencing cyclist physiology and travel decisions. Research studying cycling and other non-motorized transportation modes often use coarse elevation data sources to obtain the necessary grade information. In addition, routing applications such as Google Maps, Strava and RideWithGPS append the GPS data collected with elevation data from the coarse elevation datasets which can be inaccurate and inadequate. The objective of this research is to determine the best methods of obtaining road grade information on a network scale for bicycle travel analysis and to understand the limitations of the coarse data sources. Multiple elevation data sources, high resolution and coarse, are collected for the city of Vancouver, BC Canada. Different road grade estimation algorithms are then applied to the data sources at eight locations in the city where ground truth elevation data were surveyed using a total station. Different cycling performance measures were used to compare the elevation and road grade estimates of the locations to identify the data sources that accurately represent the true ground elevation for cycling analysis. Finally, the elevated structures in the City of Vancouver are characterized to help infer grade information in the absence of high resolution data sources.Results show that elevation data collected from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) are the most accurate for elevated and non-elevated roads with mean absolute error in the elevation not exceeding 0.6 meters. Additionally, road grades derived from LiDAR data sources were closest to measured grade data. In the absence of LiDAR, coarse data sources can provide adequate grade estimates for cycling analysis on non-elevated structures. However, on elevated structures, especially ones without a single dominant grade, coarse datasets can only provide estimates of total elevation change or mean grade. Overall, the results show that it is vital to understand the accuracy and limitations of elevation data sources used in analysis and modeling of active travel.
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Urban cyclist’s physical characteristics are important for advanced modelling of bicycle speed and energy expenditure, with applications including infrastructure design, network analysis, and health and safety assessments. However, representative values for diverse urban travellers have not been established. This study investigates the physical characteristics of real-world urban cyclists, including rolling and drag resistance parameters, and bicycle and cargo masses. Relationships among physical characteristics socio-demographics and travel behaviour are also analysed, and a bicycle cruising speed model is derived to illustrate usefulness of the sought parameters.Firstly, a 12-sensor, 100-meter coast-down test setup is developed and indoor and outdoor validation tests are performed. Outdoor validation tests generate rolling resistance coefficient estimates of 0.0064 ±0.0013 and effective frontal area estimates of 0.63 ±0.11 m².Secondly, resistance parameters were measured utilizing the novel coast-down test for 557 intercepted cyclists in Vancouver, Canada.. The average (standard deviation) of coefficient of rolling resistance (??), effective frontal area (????), bicycle plus cargo mass, and bicycle-only mass were 0.0077 (0.0036), 0.559 (0.170) m², 18.3 (4.1) kg, and 13.7 (3.3) kg, respectively. The range of measured values is wider and higher than suggested in the literature.Thirdly, the sample of intercepted cyclists is categorised based on observed physical attributes of the bicycle and rider. Three typologies defined through cluster analysis were identified as Road (R), Hybrid (H) and Mountain (M) style urban cyclists. The analysis indicates that cycling efficiency, perceptions, preferences, and habits are related to physical typology in a complex but consistent manner. M, H, and R cyclists are, in that order, increasingly more efficient, more comfortable in mixed traffic, moreIIconsistently year-round cyclists, self-reportedly faster, and engage in more physical activity. Physical typologies might help unveil new motivations in active travel behaviour and encourage urban cycling by a wider range of people.Finally, a mathematical framework is derived from first principles to determine speed from cyclist characteristics (power output, gearing, resistance parameters) and roadway attributes. Application of the speed estimation framework to the problem of traffic signal clearance interval timing illustrates the utility for probabilistic, context- sensitive roadway design.
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- Microscopic modeling of cyclists on off-street paths: a stochastic imitation learning approach (2022)
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, , 1--22 - Equity of access to Uber's wheelchair accessible service (2021)
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 89, 101688 - Modeling the impacts of electric bicycle purchase incentive program designs (2021)
Transportation Planning and Technology, 44 (7), 679--694 - A composite zonal index for biking attractiveness and safety (2020)
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 137 - Determining if walkability and bikeability indices reflect pedestrian and cyclist safety (2020)
Transportation Research Record, 2674 (9), 767-775 - Electric bicycle mode substitution for driving, public transit, conventional cycling, and walking (2020)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 85 - Marginal emission factors for public transit: Effects of urban scale and density (2020)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 88 - Perceived safety and experienced incidents between pedestrians and cyclists in a high-volume non-motorized shared space (2020)
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 4 - What Can Publicly Available API Data Tell Us about Supply and Demand for New Mobility Services? (2020)
Transportation Research Record, 2674 (1), 178-187 - A utility-based bicycle speed choice model with time and energy factors (2019)
Transportation, 46 (3), 995--1009 - Characterization of bicycle following and overtaking maneuvers on cycling paths (2019)
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 98, 139-151 - Comparison of marginal and average emission factors for passenger transportation modes (2019)
Applied Energy, 242, 1460-1466 - Industry Stakeholder Perspectives on the Adoption of Electric Bicycles in British Columbia (2019)
Transportation Research Record, 2673 (5), 1-11 - Road grade estimates for bicycle travel analysis on a street network (2019)
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 104, 158-171 - Speed and road grade dynamics of urban trips on electric and conventional bicycles (2019)
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7 (1), 1467--1480 - Appearance and behaviour: Are cyclist physical attributes reflective of their preferences and habits? (2018)
Travel Behaviour and Society, 13, 36--43 - Effects of new urban greenways on transportation energy use and greenhouse gas emissions: A longitudinal study from Vancouver, Canada (2018)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 715-725 - Generation of “Biking Schedules” for Bicycle Travel Analysis (2018)
Transportation Research Record, 2672 (36), 83-91 - Joint consideration of energy expenditure, air quality, and safety by cyclists (2018)
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 652-664 - Motivation and implementation of traffic management strategies to reduce motor vehicle emissions in Canadian cities (2018)
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 45 (4), 241-247 - Physical characteristics and resistance parameters of typical urban cyclists (2018)
Journal of Sports Sciences, 36 (20), 2383--2391 - Validation of an outdoor coast-down test to measure bicycle resistance parameters (2018)
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 144 (7) - Can traffic management strategies improve urban air quality? A review of the evidence (2017)
Journal of Transport and Health, 7, 111-124 - Context-sensitive, first-principles approach to bicycle speed estimation (2017)
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 11 (7), 411-416 - Determination of active travel speed for minimum air pollution inhalation (2017)
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11 (3), 221-229 - Existence and Use of Low-Pollution Route Options for Observed Bicycling Trips (2017)
Transportation Research Record, 2662 (1), 152-159 - Models for estimating zone-level bike kilometers traveled using bike network, land use, and road facility variables (2017)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 14-28 - Utilizing shared parking to mitigate imbalanced supply in a dense urban neighborhood: Case study in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2017)
Transportation Research Record, 2651 (1), 92-100 - Bicycle route preference and pollution inhalation dose: Comparing exposure and distance trade-offs (2016)
Journal of Transport and Health, 3 (1), 107-113 - Breath Biomarkers to Measure Uptake of Volatile Organic Compounds by Bicyclists (2016)
Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (10), 5357-5363 - Inside the industry: Calling all transportation innovators: Showcase your idea at the TRB six minute pitch (2016)
ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers), 86 (10) - Modeled effects of traffic fleet composition on the toxicity of volatile organic compound emissions (2016)
Transportation Research Record, 2570, 118-126 - Dynamic ventilation and power output of urban bicyclists (2015)
Transportation Research Record, 2520, 52-60 - Modeling the effects of congestion on fuel economy for advanced power train vehicles (2015)
Transportation Planning and Technology, 38 (2), 149-161 - Roadway determinants of bicyclist exposure to volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide (2015)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 41, 13-23 - Traffic congestion and air pollution exposure for motorists: Comparing exposure duration and intensity (2015)
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 9 (7), 443-456 - Carbon Sponsoring: A New Idea in Personal Carbon Trading, Direct Carbon Offset Pledges for Travel (2014)
- Modeling impact of traffic conditions on variability of midblock roadside fine particulate matter (2014)
Transportation Research Record, 2428, 35-43 - Review of Urban Bicyclists' Intake and Uptake of Traffic-Related Air Pollution (2014)
Transport Reviews, 34 (2), 221-245 - Marginal costs of freeway traffic congestion with on-road pollution exposure externality (2013)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 57, 12-24 - Role of heavy-duty freight vehicles in reducing emissions on congested freeways with elastic travel demand functions (2013)
Transportation Research Record, (2340), 84-94 - Study of emissions benefits of commercial vehicle lane management strategies (2013)
Transportation Research Record, (2341), 43-52 - Congestion and emissions mitigation: A comparison of capacity, demand, and vehicle based strategies (2012)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 17 (7), 538-547 - Impacts of freeway traffic conditions on in-vehicle exposure to ultrafine particulate matter (2012)
Atmospheric Environment, 60, 495-503 - Impact of bicycle lane characteristics on exposure of bicyclists to traffic-related particulate matter (2011)
Transportation Research Record, (2247), 24-32 - The impacts of stochastic capacity on freeway traffic flow benefits and costs: A model and a case study from Portland, Oregon (2011)
2011 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, FISTS 2011, , 245-250 - Advanced traffic monitoring for sustainable traffic management: Experiences and results of five years of collaborative research in the Netherlands (2010)
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 4 (4), 387-400 - Effects of temporal data aggregation on performance measures and other intelligent transportation systems applications (2010)
Transportation Research Record, (2160), 96-106 - Freeway sensor spacing and probe vehicle penetration: Impacts on travel time prediction and estimation accuracy (2010)
Transportation Research Record, (2178), 67-78 - Roadway barrier effects on cyclist and pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles abstract #73 (2010)
15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 2010, Presentations, 4, 2692-2718 - Roadway congestion's effects on motor vehicle CO2 emissions (2010)
15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress 2010, Presentations, 1, 303-320 - Traffic data for local emissions monitoring at a signalized intersection (2010)
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, , 210-215 - Adding green performance metrics to a transportation data archive (2009)
Transportation Research Record, (2121), 30-40
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