Leave of Absence

Workday Student Support

Graduate students can find "how to" guides and support information on our Workday support page.

Please read the summary of the policy in the Calendar or the complete Senate policy, or the summary of the policy in On-Leave Status in the Policies and Procedures section of this website.  

Calendar: https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-graduate-and-postdoctoral-studies/classification-students/leave-status

Senate policy: https://senate.ubc.ca/files/2021/08/V-302.4-Graduate-Student-Leaves-of-Absence.pdf

Form: Request for Leave of Absence

Students who find it necessary to interrupt their graduate studies may request a leave of absence. A leave of absence must be requested before the date on which the leave will start. Retroactive leaves will only be approved in highly exceptional cases

Important: International graduate students should review Taking time away from studies and consult International Student Advising if needed before pursuing a Leave of Absence to discuss the impact on their ability to stay in Canada, study permit and future post-graduation plans.

Summary of Leaves of Absence policy


  • Read the policy to ensure you are eligible.
  • Discuss leave of absence with supervisor and supervisory committee.
  • Download and complete the “Request for Leave of Absence” form from Grad Studies website. Attach required documentation.
  • Obtain the signatures of supervisor and graduate program advisor indicating their approval.
  • Send the form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Parental Accommodation

Calendar: https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-graduate-and-postdoctoral-studies/academic-regulations/graduate-student-parental-accommodation-policy

Senate policy: V-303: Graduate Student Parental Accommodation Policy

Form: Request for Parental Accommodation

Graduate students with substantial parenting responsibilities for a newborn or newly adopted child under the age of six during their course of study may apply for an eight-week parental accommodation period.


  • Read the policy to ensure you are eligible.
  • Discuss parental accommodation with supervisor.
  • Download and complete the “Request for Parental Accommodation” form from Grad Studies website.
  • Obtain the signatures of supervisor and graduate program advisor indicating their approval.
  • Send the form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.