Academic Integrity Resources for an Educative Approach

Check out this page for numerous resources and supports for both students and instructors. In particular, there are several relevant Canvas modules including:

Academic Integrity Foundations”: a new module developed by the Academic Integrity Hub that introduces academic integrity in terms of what it is, why it is important within the UBC community, how students can put it into practice, and what pitfalls to watch out for. It also reviews the different types of academic misconduct.

Introduction to Academic Integrity”: this module discusses academic integrity in the context of why it matters — as a core element of how we as scholars and professionals do our work (and live our professional lives) at UBC and beyond. The module features 4 videos with UBC faculty, librarians, and students, as well as pre- and post-reflection questions for students, and takes no more than 30 minutes to complete. Once they submit their responses, students can download a certificate of completion.

Academic Integrity Matters (AIM) Program: modules covering Unauthorized Collaboration and Cheating as well as Writing and Plagiarism

Check out these additional videos on Writing with Integrity