Canadian Immigration Updates

Review details about the recently announced changes to study and work permits that apply to master’s and doctoral degree students. Read more

The Peter A. Allard School of Law at UBC is one of the world’s leading centres for legal education and research. Its faculty members engage in research with local, national, and global impact and provide students with some of the most extensive and innovative curricular opportunities of any Canadian law school.

The Peter A. Allard School of Law's innovative researchers, inspiring teachers, and outstanding graduates have established our national reputation and global reach. The Faculty is committed to preparing our students to become exceptional global citizens, to conducting leading-edge research that serves our community nationally and internationally, and to promoting the values of a just, civil and sustainable society.

The Allard School of Law is proud to foster a research environment that pulls faculty, students, and visitors into collaborative and challenging research projects. Our outstanding graduate programs offer students the opportunity to study law from within law’s wider social, economic, and political context, and select courses from a comprehensive and progressive curriculum that emphasizes foundational knowledge, scholarly innovation, ethics, and the development of professional skills.

Legal research that employs the perspectives of different disciplines, contexts, and methodologies makes the Allard School of Law an exciting and rewarding research centre. And, as the stories on the Allard School of Law research portal show, research done here changes peoples’ lives.

The Allard School of Law's more than 10,000 alumni include:

  • The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
  • The Right Honourable Kim Campbell, PC, CC, OBC, former Prime Minister of Canada
  • The Honourable Ujjal Dosanjh, former Premier of British Columbia and former Canadian Minister of Health
  • The Honourable Mike Harcourt, OC, former Premier of British Columbia
  • The Honourable Lance Finch, QC, retired Chief Justice of British Columbia
  • The Honourable Frank Iacobucci, CC, QC, LSM, former Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
  • The Honourable Wally Oppal, QC, former Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, former Attorney General of British Columbia, and former Minister responsible for Multiculturalism
  • The Honourable Steven L. Point, OBC, former Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, and current UBC Chancellor and Provincial Court Judge
  • The Honourable Alfred Scow, CM, OBC, first Indigenous lawyer called to the British Columbia bar and first legally trained Indigenous Judge in the province
  • Justice Ardith Walkem, QC, first Indigenous woman judge in the province, and both an LLB and LLM alumna
  • The Honourable Patricia Proudfoot, OBC, first female judge in BC

Research Facilities

Allard Hall, home of the Allard School of Law, creates a welcoming and inspiring learning, research and meeting place for students, faculty, staff and the wider legal community.

Opened in 2011, the $56-million four-storey, 141,000 square-foot building and $56-million facility includes flexible, modern teaching spaces, a replica courtroom, and dedicated spaces for the faculty’s nearly 650 students, 45 full-time faculty, plus alumni and guests. Classroom video displays and webcasting technology will connect UBC students with law schools and communities globally. A three-storey multipurpose forum with floor-to-ceiling windows converts from a social area to an auditorium for special events and lectures. The new state-of-the-art UBC Law Library serves as an academic hub for students and the legal community.

With powerful learning and sustainability features, Allard Hall – named after donor and alumnus Peter A. Allard – provides a space to advance legal research and education in Canada, expand the Faculty’s presence in the community, and honour its ties to BC First Nations.

Research Highlights

The Allard School of Law is home to a dynamic, accomplished, and diverse group of faculty who make innovative and influential contributions to understanding the underpinning of the law, cutting edge developments in legal practice, the development of policy, and the progress of civil society at both national and international levels. The Faculty’s research is regularly cited by scholars, courts, and policymakers across the country and around the world.

The Allard School of Law has led Canada in curricular and research innovation with important programs focusing on areas including social justice, business law, environmental law, sustainability and Asian legal studies. Our faculty members carry out their research and teaching objectives with a commitment to pursuing social justice. 

Key areas of faculty research include international law, Indigenous legal studies, environmental law and sustainability, migration, human trafficking, affordable housing, and criminal law and policy. Allard Hall is home to Centres of business law, environmental law and natural resources, Asian legal studies, and feminist legal studies.

Allard Hall is also home to affiliated law reform organizations: British Columbia Law Institute, which includes the Canadian Center for Elder Law Studies, and the UN-affiliated International Center for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.

Research Supervisors in Faculty

Name Research Interests
Affolder, Natasha International Environmental Law, Biodiversity Law, Law and Sustainability
Aloni, Erez Law and legal practice; Law; Contracts; family law; law and sexuality
Arbel, Efrat Law and legal practice; Law; Constitutional law; Gender and Law; Legal and Critical Theory; Prison Law and Policy; Refugee Law; Tort Law
Bakan, Joel Conrad Constitutional Law, Legal Theory, Socio-Legal Studies
Benedet, Janine Law and legal practice; Penal Law; Labor Standards and Laws; Human Rights and Liberties, Collective Rights; prostitution and pornography; sexual abuse of girls; sexual harassment in employment and education; sexual violence against women
Beswick, Samuel Peter Private law; Common law; Comparative law; Torts, private obligations and product liability law; Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation; Law; Law and time; Limitations; Remedies; Tort Law; Restitution and unjust enrichment; Public authority liability
Bhandar, Brenna Law and legal practice; property law
Biukovic, Ljiljana Adaptation of international legal norms by national governments, the impact of regionalism on multilateral trade negotiations and the development of European Union Law,European union Law, International Trade Law, International Dispute Resolution, E-commerce, Comparative Law
Cheng, Jie Comparative Constitutional Law; Chinese Law and Governance; Hong Kong and Macau Basic Laws; Land Property Law; Information Law
Christie, Gordon Legal Theory, and trans-cultural tort law, Aboriginal law, Indigenous legal orders, Indigenous legal theory, Legal Theory and trans-cultural tort law
Clifford, Robert Aboriginal and Indigenous law
Cui, Wei International trade law; Tax law; Tax law and policy; Carbon pricing and climate policy; industrial policy; Taxation and international trade; Chinese legislative system; Clean energy subsidies; Law and political economy; tax and development; Geo-economics
Cunliffe, Emma Women and the law, evidence, experts, courts and media, open justice, pathology and law, criminal law, SIDS, child homicide
Dauvergne, Catherine Immigration, Immigration Law, Refugee Law, Legal Theory, Globalization
Duff, David Tax Law Tax Policy Environmental Taxation Charities, Tax law and policy, environmental taxation, comparative and international taxation, and distributive justice
Etxabe, Julen History and philosophy of law and justice; Literature and critical theory; Law and society; Law and humanities; Legal Theory and Jurisprudence; Law and literature; Human Rights; Cultural Studies; Political Theory; history and philosophy of law
Flynn, Alexandra Law and society; Municipal Law; Local Governance; property law; Administrative Law; Experiential legal education; Socio-Legal Studies; Law & Cities
Ford, Cristie Law and society; Administrative law; Business, commercial and corporate law; Sociological methodology and research methods; Law; Regulation; Social, Economical and Political Impacts of Innovations; Laws, Standards and Regulation Impacts; Administrative Law; Ideological, Political, Economical and Social Environments of Social Transformations; Financial innovation and fintech; financial regulation; Legal innovation and law tech; regulation & governance theory; securities regulation; the legal profession; Innovation and the law
Franks, Scott Aboriginal law; Indigenous law; Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation; Law and society; Aboriginal and Indigenous law; Jurisprudence, legal theory, and critical studies; legal history; Legal methodology and interdisciplinary approaches; Criminal procedure in Indigenous practice contexts
Ghebremusse, Sara natural resource governance; development; Human Rights
Goldbach, Toby Susan Law and legal practice; Political Culture, Society and Ideology; Procedural Law; Jurisprudence; Comparative Law; Dispute Resolution; Judicial Politics; law and development
Goold, Benjamin Law and legal practice; Law; Border Studies; Criminal Justice; Human Rights; migration; Privacy; security
Gordon, Sara Law and legal practice; Intersection of psychology and mental health with the criminal justice system; Criminal law and criminal justice; Health law and policy; Legal methodology and interdisciplinary approaches
Grant, Isabel Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Psychiatry and Law
Harris, Douglas Property law (except intellectual property law); Canadian history; property law; condominium law; legal history; Law & Cities


Recent Publications

This is an incomplete sample of recent publications in chronological order by UBC faculty members with a primary appointment in the Peter A. Allard School of Law.


Publication: Journal of Corporate Finance
UBC Author(s): Wei Cui (Peter A. Allard School of Law / Peter A. Allard School of Law)
ISSN: 09291199
Volume: 91
Publication Date: April 2025

View Publication

Recent Thesis Submissions

Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation Program
2024 Dr. Odionu's research focused on innovative international investment law reform approaches emerging from Africa. Drawing on those approaches, he developed a Global South-oriented reform framework that integrates foreign investment, sustainable development, and climate action. His findings present implications for the fight against climate change. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2023 Dr. Leslie examined how the Canadian federal government implements mortgage securitization in Canada. He found that the government provides support to banks and investors and takes risks affecting the Canadian public without meaningful public oversight. His research will assist in developing sound housing finance policy going forward. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2023 Dr. Nosek showed how corporations have leveraged a multi-pronged strategy to simultaneously expand their reach over public discourse on climate change while undermining important checks on influence over discourse, like public protest and government enforcement actions for false and misleading speech. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2022 Dr. Bateman examined the decision of the Roman Emperor Constantine to legislate Bishops into the role of judges in the Roman state. He argues that Constantine did this because of his first hand experience with bishops sitting on a panel of judges with them, and due to the fact the emperor wanted to rid the Roman courts of corruption. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2022 Dr. Maharaj's work examines the law on mitigation of damages for breach of contract by establishing a robust framework that explains how the doctrine applies, why it applies, when it applies, and what it actually demands of contracting parties in practice. It will benefit judges, legal counsels, and the wider scholarly community in private law. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2022 Dr. Ponomarenko studied the requirements the government must meet to justify a limitation of a Charter right. Currently, there is no judicial consensus on when these requirements must be strict and when they can be relaxed. Her dissertation examines this undertheorized body of jurisprudence and provides it with a principled theoretical basis. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2022 Dr. Aikenhead examined the Canadian criminal justice response to technology-facilitated intimate partner violence (TFIPV) through a review of recent case law. She identified concerns and gaps in the legal response from a feminist perspective. Her proposed legislative and policy reforms will assist victims of TFIPV in accessing justice. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2022 The law of negligence claims to deter accidental wrongdoers from causing harm. The mixed doctrinal and qualitative research in this dissertation suggest that in the law of negligence in Canada, deterrence is largely illusory. Potential wrongdoers are so well protected by liability insurance that there is little inclination to avoid causing harm. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2021 Dr. Sankey studied legal processes developed by Squamish Nation for land use planning and environmental assessment of natural gas projects. Her research finds that in developing policy aimed at reconciliation, Canadian governments will learn much by shifting their focus away from principles of consultation defined by Canadian courts, toward processes for achieving consent established by Indigenous nations. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
2021 Dr. Dzah studied how Africa influences and is influenced by the concept of sustainable development. He argued that ethics and customary and Indigenous norms can revitalise the legal dimensions of this concept. He proposed ecological law as a new way to theorise and implement sustainable development and to reorganise links between society and nature. Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
