
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Starring Joseph K. : four stage adaptations of Franz Kafka’s novel The Trial 03 April 2009
Performance of deflecting concrete highway barriers 03 April 2009
Tidal residual circulation over an axisymmetric seamount : seamount geometry effects 03 April 2009
Effects of fluctuating levels of ozone or nitrogen dioxide alone and in sequence on plant growth and photosynthesis 03 April 2009
Analysis of the deformation and failure of blast loaded unstiffened and striffened plates 03 April 2009
Population ecology of the clonal red alga Mazzaella Cornucopiae from Barkley Sound, Canada 03 April 2009
Coping with contradictions : doctoral student experiences at a Canadian research university 03 April 2009
An interpersonal conceptualization and quantification of social support transactions 03 April 2009
Temporal integration and attention : contributions of visible persistence and masking 03 April 2009
The ethics of writing : Deconstruction and Pedagogy 03 April 2009
Following unnamed rivers and ruminating on teaching as vocation 03 April 2009
Teaching heroics : identity and ethical imagery in science education 03 April 2009
Biology and behaviour of the white pine weevil pissodes strobi (Peck) in white spruce 03 April 2009
An econometric analysis of the demand for wood products in Japan by product type, species, and source 03 April 2009
Reactivation of TK-deficient Herpes simplex virus and homopolymer mutational hot spots 03 April 2009
Copper(I) chloride and copper(I) cyanide-mediated transformations of alkenlytrialkylstannanes 03 April 2009
A nuclear magnetic resonance study of molecular permeation through lipid membranes 03 April 2009
Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of halogenated triatomic molecules 03 April 2009
Identification of frictional effects and structural dynamics for improved control of hydraulic manipulators 03 April 2009
Spin gaps in two models of strongly correlated electron systems 03 April 2009
Sampling methods and population prediction in Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Lepidoptera: geometridae) in British Columbia 02 April 2009
A genre for our times: the Menippean satires of Russell Hoban and Murakami Haruki 02 April 2009
Anaesthetic effects in thalamocortical neurons 02 April 2009
Oil flow in the oilwell tube annulus of vertical bearing assemblies 02 April 2009
The effects of wounding response and cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase levels on ozone susceptibility in ozone-sensitive tobacco cultivar 02 April 2009
Evaluating interior spruce genetic resource management practices through GIS-based tracking of seed deployment over time in British Columbia 02 April 2009
Mood dependent memory : extension and validation 02 April 2009
Learning to teach prospective teachers to teach mathematics 02 April 2009
Characterization of two C. elegans molecular chaperone families, CCT (chaperonin containing TCP-1) and the small heat shock proteins 02 April 2009
The influence of didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) treatment on wood weathering 02 April 2009
Organic matter dynamics of coastal peat deposits in Sumatra, Indonesia 02 April 2009
Genomics of adaptation to local climate in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) 02 April 2009
Identity-processing style and decision making theory: factors to consider when adolescents are deciding upon a career 02 April 2009
Studies of valence electron densities using electron momentum spectroscopy and computational quantum chemistry 02 April 2009
Resource allocation for solid organ transplantation : toward public and health care provider dialogue 02 April 2009
Towards connectedness and trust : nurses’ enactment of their moral agency within an organizational context 02 April 2009
Electronic structure of semiconductor nanostructures 02 April 2009
Effects of foetal ethanol exposure on hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis function and behaviour on the elevated plus maze 02 April 2009
Structure-function studies of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa porin Oprp 02 April 2009
Lipopolysaccharide induced apoptosis of a bovine pulmonary endothelial cell line 02 April 2009
Mechanism of leukemic cell killing by IL-2 activated natural killer cells : role of cell adhesion molecules 02 April 2009
Separate stages : la traduction du theatre dans le contexte Canada/Quebec 01 April 2009
On-line condition monitoring and fault diagnosis in hydraulic system components using parameter estimation and pattern classification 01 April 2009
Modelling of the circulation of northern British Columbia waters 01 April 2009
Factors influencing the formation of organic-rich sedimentary facies: Examples from the Devonian-carboniferous Exshaw formation, Alberta, Canada 01 April 2009
Modified poultry diets : an approach to sustainable animal production 01 April 2009
The role of palmitoylation in endoplasmic reticulum transport and quality control of the yeast polytopic protein Chs3 01 April 2009
The relationship between pain appraisals and coping strategy use and adaptation to chronic low back pain: a daily diary study 01 April 2009
Sociotropy and autonomy and the interpersonal model of depression: an integration 01 April 2009
The manifestations of perfectionistic self-presentation in a clinical sample 01 April 2009
