
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Optical multilayers with diamond-like thin films 16 April 2009
Study of half harmonic plasma waves in CO laser-plasma interactions 16 April 2009
Where hope lives : an examination of the relationship between protagonists and education systems in contemporary native North American young adult fiction 16 April 2009
A minimally informative likelihood approach to Bayesian inference and decision analysis 16 April 2009
Absolute photoabsorption and photoionization studies of large polyatomic molecules by high energy electron impact and mass spectromentry 16 April 2009
Growth and characterization of thin oxide films on SiGe 16 April 2009
The development of the corticospinal tract in premature newborns : impact of early brain injury 16 April 2009
A study of the Yiguan Dao (Unity Sect) and its development in Peninsular Malaysia 16 April 2009
Purchasing power parity methods of making international comparisons 16 April 2009
Towards development of optimal sequential injection analysis methods 16 April 2009
Hospital governance in British Columbia 15 April 2009
Modeling of simultaneous processes of water flow, heat transfer, and multicomponent reactive solute transport in saturated-unsaturated porous media 15 April 2009
An effective solution for bluetooth adhoc networking 15 April 2009
Efficient and responsible use of prior information and joint parameter estimation for estimating parameters of groundwater flow models 15 April 2009
Lone dzou 15 April 2009
Form and poetry in selected songs of Barbara Pentland 15 April 2009
Eloquence, reference, and significance in Clara Schumann’s Opus 20 and Johannes Brahms’ Opus 9 15 April 2009
Inclusion of a crew safety node into the preliminary design of fishing vessels 15 April 2009
Analytical and experimental studies of wing tip vortices 15 April 2009
Well-being from an occupational perspective : testing a conceptual model 15 April 2009
A stability monitoring and advisory system for small ships 15 April 2009
A computational and experimental investigation of film cooling effectiveness 15 April 2009
Slender ship procedures that include the effects of yaw, vortex shedding and density stratification 15 April 2009
The circulation and energetics of the Sechelt Inlet system, British Columbia 15 April 2009
Efficient high-order accurate unstructured finite-volume algorithms for viscous and inviscid compressible flows 15 April 2009
Flexural toughness of fibre reinforced concrete 15 April 2009
Dynamic soil-structure interaction: pile foundations and retaining structures 15 April 2009
Optimization of biological nutrient removal in a pilot-scale trickling filter-activated sludge process 15 April 2009
Shear strength of structural concrete members using a uniform shear element approach 15 April 2009
Fuzzy logic in polder flood control operations in Bangkok 15 April 2009
Effect of atmospheric pressure fluctuations on bulk gas flow and composition of flavour volatiles from bulky plant tissues 15 April 2009
Numerical prediction of film cooling of turbine blades using multiblock curvilinear grids 15 April 2009
A lift of the Chern-Simons functional and its application to equivariant Floer homology 15 April 2009
Development and testing of a weatherometer to accelerate the surface checking of wood 15 April 2009
Star counts in M31 15 April 2009
Evolving water policy in the Bangkok metropolitan region 15 April 2009
Co-regulating corporate social responsibility : government response to forest certification in Canada, the United States and Sweden 15 April 2009
Mitochondrial DNA plasmids and senescence in neurospora 15 April 2009
The role of root-associated fungi in the dominance of gaultheria shallon 15 April 2009
Population differentiation of two sympatric species of red algae, mazzaella splendens and mazzaella linearis, in Barkley Sound, Columbia, Canada 15 April 2009
Intertidal community structure, dynamics and models : mechanisms and the role of biotic and abiotic interaction 15 April 2009
Ammonium uptake by rice roots 15 April 2009
Identification and characterization of regulatory genes associated with secondary wall formation in Populus and Arabidopsis thaliana 15 April 2009
Education for voluntary simplicity : toward sustainable and creative ways of life through an eastern idea of living-learning 15 April 2009
In-plane shake table testing of gravity load designed reinforced concrete frames with unreinforced masonry infill walls 15 April 2009
Urban coyotes (Canis latrans Say, 1823) in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia: public perceptions and education 15 April 2009
Environmental contaminants in bald eagles on the coast of British Columbia: exposure and biological effects 15 April 2009
Bioenergetics in the killer whale, orcinus orca 15 April 2009
Factors affecting long-term habituation in Caenorhabditis elegans 15 April 2009
On the distinction between false belief understanding and the acquisition of an interpretive theory of mind 15 April 2009
