Parallel treatment of a minimum effluent TMP-newsprint whitewater by aerobic membrane biological treatment and ultrafiltration at 55oC |
19 May 2009 |
Use of recyled aggregate in shotcrete and concrete |
19 May 2009 |
Recognition of syntactic structure based on prosodic or segmental cues |
19 May 2009 |
The ethnic church and immigrant integration: social services, cultural preservation and the re-definition of cultural identity |
19 May 2009 |
Sustainable design in the Comox Valley: the View Ridge community revisited |
19 May 2009 |
Recognition of syntactic structure based on prosodic or segmental cues |
19 May 2009 |
The role of communications in emerging markets for wood products : the case of structural wood products in nonresidential construction |
19 May 2009 |
Community-police partnerships: coproducing crime prevention services : a Vancouver case study |
19 May 2009 |
The social dynamics of forest land policy in Vietnam: a case study of Lang Beo village |
19 May 2009 |
Models vs. reality: appraising publishing records |
19 May 2009 |
The composition, publication, and influence of Gilberte Périer’s La Vie de Monsieur Pascal |
19 May 2009 |
Recognition of syntactic structure based on prosodic or segmental cues |
19 May 2009 |
Quality of life after respiratory rehabilitation in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
19 May 2009 |
Clinical significance and reliability of two common grip strength measures |
19 May 2009 |
Ethnic differences and domain specificity in young adolescents’ implicit beliefs about intelligence |
19 May 2009 |
Searching for northern roap stars: the UBC-OAN photometric survey |
19 May 2009 |
Indigenous perspectives and resource management contexts: the case of northeastern Nicaragua |
19 May 2009 |
Dynamics of milling flexible structures |
19 May 2009 |
Mobile J: system support for dynamic application partitioning in the mobile environment |
19 May 2009 |
System architecture of WebSmart : a web-oriented synchronized multimedia authoring system |
19 May 2009 |
Interactions between growth, sex, reproduction, and activity levels in control and fast-growing strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) |
19 May 2009 |
Reproduction and pre-weaning juvenile survival in a cyclic population of snowshoe hares |
18 May 2009 |
Factors influencing health care professionals’ decision-making regarding parental presence during invasive procedures in the PICU |
18 May 2009 |
Welcome home: a life/work community in South-East False Creek, Vancouver |
18 May 2009 |
Topologies of place: a building in the landscape |
18 May 2009 |
A hybrid commercial/library building for the resort town of Whistler |
18 May 2009 |
Alternative, single family housing, multi-family housing and mixed-use housing for Richmond City, suburbs |
18 May 2009 |
Gendered spaces in the traditional urban community: the Harah in Cairo |
18 May 2009 |
Engendering visions of modernity: photographing women, national iconographies and excluded identities in Ecuador, 1870-1912 |
18 May 2009 |
Inside the docent experience: a case study of docents-in-training |
18 May 2009 |
The effect of molar ratio and pH during synthesis on the performance of phenol-melamine-formaldehyde adhesives |
18 May 2009 |
Thermal desorption studies of acetyl and bromoacetyl chloride on a Cu(111) surface |
18 May 2009 |
Effects of unilateral ovariectomy of follicular development, plasma gonadotropin, progesterone, IGF-I profiles, ovulation and pregnancy rates in cattle |
18 May 2009 |
The timing of breeding in double-crested cormorants (phalacrocorax auritus albociliatus) : its effects on clutch size, nestling growth, diet and survival |
18 May 2009 |
Ethnicity, gender and coercive sexual attitudes and ethnic differences in childhood abuse and trauma |
18 May 2009 |
Shake table test of Oak Street Bridge bent: correlation of analysis and experiment |
18 May 2009 |
A toxicological and chemical evaluation of agricultural runoff discharged into the Nicomekl River, throughout one growing season |
18 May 2009 |
The City of Vancouver’s industrial land use planning in a context of economic restructuring |
18 May 2009 |
Selective adaptation and legitimacy : public-private dynamics in China's TRIPS compliance |
18 May 2009 |
The National Stadium: social violence and spectacular power in Chile 1968-1976 |
18 May 2009 |
Celebration of place/place of celebration |
18 May 2009 |
Grandview greenway : an investigation of ecological enhancement & stormwater management as a means of connection in an urban environment |
18 May 2009 |
Conflict and reconciliation: on the cultural dynamics in the Cairene public space |
18 May 2009 |
The role of the [alpha] 1-helical domain of the signal sequence in hemolysin recognition and transport |
18 May 2009 |
Estrogen receptor modulation : effects on rat aortic endothelia function |
18 May 2009 |
The global living project : education for ecological sustainability |
18 May 2009 |
Staphylococcus haemolyticus: a novel method for species identification based on the HSP60 gene and a model for vancomycin resistance |
18 May 2009 |
Studies of interactions among cultured ericoid mycorrhizal fungi of salal (gaultheria shallon pursh) |
18 May 2009 |
The saying and the doing: a survey of security and theft prevention measures in U.S. archives |
18 May 2009 |
Social drama in an activity-based peer group: a theatre for fostering self- and other- understanding |
18 May 2009 |