
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Restriction endonuclease banding of human metaphase chromosomes 17 December 2008
Mapping of D8S136 to the short arm of human chromosome 8 17 December 2008
Consolidation and mantle evolution of the Sinokorean Craton in Early Precambrian time 17 December 2008
On the kinetics of NMDA-associated ion channels : different agonists and the effects of anaesthetic drugs 17 December 2008
The cardiac actions of platelet activating factor : possible involvement in endotoxix shock 17 December 2008
Seat of power, site of satire : James Gillray’s representation of King George III in Monstrous craws at a new coalition feast (1787) 17 December 2008
Confirming claims and investigating identities : Frida Kahlo and American feminism in the late 1970s 17 December 2008
Japanese market for dimensional lumber : a gravity model approach 17 December 2008
Inversion of three-dimensional direct current resistivity data 17 December 2008
Effects of extracts from Neem, Azadirachta Indica (A. Juss.), on aphids (Homoptera:Aphididae) with respect to their control 17 December 2008
Learning from the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympic Games about Aboriginal peoples of Canada 17 December 2008
Solid modeller based milling process simulation 17 December 2008
Some interparametric correlations in Edgard Varèse’s Déserts 17 December 2008
Women and chemical dependency : a socialist feminist approach 17 December 2008
Statistical mechanics of solvation of macroparticles 17 December 2008
Alternatives to carbon dioxide euthanasia for laboratory rats 17 December 2008
Stress analysis of metal cutting tools 17 December 2008
Natural, forced and mixed convection in a vertical cross-corrugated channel 17 December 2008
Old growth forest preservation in British Columbia and the American Pacific Northwest : an account of a debate for survival 17 December 2008
Reproductive technologies and the Charter 17 December 2008
The policy cycle of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Canada 17 December 2008
Aural cuing as a stimulus for revision of expository composition at the grade-eleven level 17 December 2008
The experience of being a protege in a nursing mentor relationship 17 December 2008
The experience of aging : a qualitative study of well elderly individuals 17 December 2008
The value of community health nursing : a phenomenological study of the perceptions of community health nurses 17 December 2008
Gender, flexibility and the public sector in British Columbia 17 December 2008
Critical-thinking skills and decision-making abilities of investigators of child abuse cases 17 December 2008
A bounded delay simulator 17 December 2008
The legality of the new industrial relations 17 December 2008
Ritrodrine: analysis, comparative maternal and fetal pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in sheep 17 December 2008
3D interaction studies using the shape-matching paradigm 17 December 2008
"Environmental law" or "development law"? : deconstructing liberal guilt 17 December 2008
Circulating fluidised bed fluid and particle mechanics: modelling and experimental studies with application to combustion 17 December 2008
GAL4 is regulated by a glucose-responsive functional domain 17 December 2008
Integrated management of flammulated owl breeding habitat and timber harvest in British Columbia 17 December 2008
Relationships between site index of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis(Bong.) Carr.) and measures of ecological site quality in the Eastern Queen Charlotte Islands 17 December 2008
Atmospheric turbulence within and above a coniferous forest 17 December 2008
Maximizing the expression of a cloned gene under the regulation of the metallothionein promoter 17 December 2008
Heat exchanger fouling by precipitation of calcium phosphates 17 December 2008
Spatial associative memory in pigeons 17 December 2008
Rational disagreement about social justice 17 December 2008
Effects of psychosocial stressors on splenic lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cell activity in the presence or absence of a mouse mammary tumour 17 December 2008
Functional properties of active site variants of yeast cytochrome C 17 December 2008
Ecological and height growth analysis of some sub-boreal immature lodgepole pine stands in central British Columbia 17 December 2008
Incorporating semantic integrity constraints in a database schema 17 December 2008
La tension entre la société et l’individu dans cinq romans Stendhaliens 17 December 2008
Dynamic properties of sands under cyclic torsional shear 17 December 2008
Dilatancy characterization of sands using the resistivity cone penetration test 17 December 2008
Numerical simulation of wave grouping effects on moored structures 17 December 2008
Toward sustainable communities : a planning framework for municipal and local governments 17 December 2008
