Effects of an intervention for facilitating social reasoning and prosocial behavior in pre-adolescents |
29 January 2009 |
Critical and edifying? A historiography of Christian biography |
28 January 2009 |
Revelations of the flesh and testimonies of desire : Sebatino del Piobo’s "Martyrdom of Saint Agatha" |
28 January 2009 |
Reaffirming cultural identity : a case of stó:lō pithouse reconstruction |
28 January 2009 |
The effects of squish and swirl interaction on performance and emissions of a spark ignition engine |
28 January 2009 |
Experiences from detection to diagnosis : lessons learned from patients with high-risk oral lesions |
28 January 2009 |
One sound system or two? : Evidence from one infant learning english and norwegian |
28 January 2009 |
One sound system or two? : Evidence from one infant learning english and norwegian |
28 January 2009 |
The structure of excitation-contraction coupling in atrial cardiomyocytes |
28 January 2009 |
One sound system or two? : Evidence from one infant learning english and norwegian |
28 January 2009 |
Managing water in Jordan : an interactive system dynamics simulation approach |
28 January 2009 |
Walking the thin line : Ishikawa Sanshirō and Japanese anarchism |
28 January 2009 |
On interaction and efficiency : prematch investments with hidden characteristics |
27 January 2009 |
Eccentric kinetic chain exercise as a conservative means of functionally rehabilitating chronic isolated cruciate ligament insuffiency |
27 January 2009 |
The United Nations World Conferences on Women : a new South-North dialogue? |
27 January 2009 |
The localization of Branchial Carbonic Anhydrase in the shark, SQUALUS ACANTHIAS |
27 January 2009 |
Literacy, identity, and power: the experience of adult El Salvadoran refugees in Canadian government-sponsored ESL and job-training programs |
27 January 2009 |
Serotonergic drugs and aggression in male firemouth cichlids (cichlasoma meeki) |
27 January 2009 |
The finite element solution of inverse problems in solid mechanics |
27 January 2009 |
The use of automated document structuring and classification methods in the legal domain |
27 January 2009 |
On efficient recommendations for online exchange markets |
27 January 2009 |
Abuse and love : the state of romantic relationships in western culture |
27 January 2009 |
The biochemical and cell cycle effects of the antitumour drug postriecin |
27 January 2009 |
The aerobic biological treatibility of a high strength mixed petrochemical industrial sludge |
27 January 2009 |
Development of a SCADA system to monitor and control continuous casting of steel billets |
27 January 2009 |
Development of a real-time advisory expert system as a training tool for copper flotation operators |
27 January 2009 |
Jura-triassic magmatism and porphyry Au-Cu mineralization at the Pine Deposit, Toodoggone District, North-central British Columbia |
27 January 2009 |
Bioactive natural products from nature |
27 January 2009 |
Miss Queen of Cathay (1954) : Chinese women, families and associations in Vancouver |
27 January 2009 |
Surrender? What surrender? : Yan Xishan’s reconsolidation of power in Taiyuan July - August, 1945 |
27 January 2009 |
The time course of pulmonary diffusion capacity changes following maximal exercise |
26 January 2009 |
Global softwood lumber trade : a spatial equilibrium model |
26 January 2009 |
Synthesis of novel imine bridged macrocycles |
26 January 2009 |
Broad band optical transmission measurements in semiconductor waveguides |
26 January 2009 |
Genetic variation in three North American barn owl (Tyto alba) populations using DNA fingerprinting |
26 January 2009 |
Prophet, priest, and king: an interpretive rewriting of an English teacher’s vocation |
26 January 2009 |
Expression of glutathione S-transferase pi in human salivary gland and salivary gland tumours |
26 January 2009 |
Crossing the line : feminist international law theory, rape and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina |
26 January 2009 |
Acquisition of prefixed denominal causatives in Polish |
26 January 2009 |
The reasonable person in substantive Canadian Criminal Law |
26 January 2009 |
Observation and simulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide in Vancouver |
26 January 2009 |
Efficiently determining aggregrate proximity relationships in spatial data mining |
26 January 2009 |
Time, space, and the people of God : Anglican colonialism in nineteenth-century British Columbia |
26 January 2009 |
A trailscape in the barrancas of Central Veracruz : land use and transportation in sloping terrain |
26 January 2009 |
The community health center : an architecture of place, authenticity, and possibilities, Bowen Island, B.C. |
26 January 2009 |
Acquisition of prefixed denominal causatives in Polish |
26 January 2009 |
Broad band optical transmission measurements in semiconductor waveguides |
26 January 2009 |
Acquisition of prefixed denominal causatives in Polish |
26 January 2009 |
Audience reactions to the portrayal of black athletic apparel commercials |
26 January 2009 |
Identification and characterization of RAPD markers linked to the V1 avirulence gene of Ustilago hordei |
26 January 2009 |