
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Effects of an intervention for facilitating social reasoning and prosocial behavior in pre-adolescents 29 January 2009
Critical and edifying? A historiography of Christian biography 28 January 2009
Revelations of the flesh and testimonies of desire : Sebatino del Piobo’s "Martyrdom of Saint Agatha" 28 January 2009
Reaffirming cultural identity : a case of stó:lō pithouse reconstruction 28 January 2009
The effects of squish and swirl interaction on performance and emissions of a spark ignition engine 28 January 2009
Experiences from detection to diagnosis : lessons learned from patients with high-risk oral lesions 28 January 2009
One sound system or two? : Evidence from one infant learning english and norwegian 28 January 2009
One sound system or two? : Evidence from one infant learning english and norwegian 28 January 2009
The structure of excitation-contraction coupling in atrial cardiomyocytes 28 January 2009
One sound system or two? : Evidence from one infant learning english and norwegian 28 January 2009
Managing water in Jordan : an interactive system dynamics simulation approach 28 January 2009
Walking the thin line : Ishikawa Sanshirō and Japanese anarchism 28 January 2009
On interaction and efficiency : prematch investments with hidden characteristics 27 January 2009
Eccentric kinetic chain exercise as a conservative means of functionally rehabilitating chronic isolated cruciate ligament insuffiency 27 January 2009
The United Nations World Conferences on Women : a new South-North dialogue? 27 January 2009
The localization of Branchial Carbonic Anhydrase in the shark, SQUALUS ACANTHIAS 27 January 2009
Literacy, identity, and power: the experience of adult El Salvadoran refugees in Canadian government-sponsored ESL and job-training programs 27 January 2009
Serotonergic drugs and aggression in male firemouth cichlids (cichlasoma meeki) 27 January 2009
The finite element solution of inverse problems in solid mechanics 27 January 2009
The use of automated document structuring and classification methods in the legal domain 27 January 2009
On efficient recommendations for online exchange markets 27 January 2009
Abuse and love : the state of romantic relationships in western culture 27 January 2009
The biochemical and cell cycle effects of the antitumour drug postriecin 27 January 2009
The aerobic biological treatibility of a high strength mixed petrochemical industrial sludge 27 January 2009
Development of a SCADA system to monitor and control continuous casting of steel billets 27 January 2009
Development of a real-time advisory expert system as a training tool for copper flotation operators 27 January 2009
Jura-triassic magmatism and porphyry Au-Cu mineralization at the Pine Deposit, Toodoggone District, North-central British Columbia 27 January 2009
Bioactive natural products from nature 27 January 2009
Miss Queen of Cathay (1954) : Chinese women, families and associations in Vancouver 27 January 2009
Surrender? What surrender? : Yan Xishan’s reconsolidation of power in Taiyuan July - August, 1945 27 January 2009
The time course of pulmonary diffusion capacity changes following maximal exercise 26 January 2009
Global softwood lumber trade : a spatial equilibrium model 26 January 2009
Synthesis of novel imine bridged macrocycles 26 January 2009
Broad band optical transmission measurements in semiconductor waveguides 26 January 2009
Genetic variation in three North American barn owl (Tyto alba) populations using DNA fingerprinting 26 January 2009
Prophet, priest, and king: an interpretive rewriting of an English teacher’s vocation 26 January 2009
Expression of glutathione S-transferase pi in human salivary gland and salivary gland tumours 26 January 2009
Crossing the line : feminist international law theory, rape and the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina 26 January 2009
Acquisition of prefixed denominal causatives in Polish 26 January 2009
The reasonable person in substantive Canadian Criminal Law 26 January 2009
Observation and simulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide in Vancouver 26 January 2009
Efficiently determining aggregrate proximity relationships in spatial data mining 26 January 2009
Time, space, and the people of God : Anglican colonialism in nineteenth-century British Columbia 26 January 2009
A trailscape in the barrancas of Central Veracruz : land use and transportation in sloping terrain 26 January 2009
The community health center : an architecture of place, authenticity, and possibilities, Bowen Island, B.C. 26 January 2009
Acquisition of prefixed denominal causatives in Polish 26 January 2009
Broad band optical transmission measurements in semiconductor waveguides 26 January 2009
Acquisition of prefixed denominal causatives in Polish 26 January 2009
Audience reactions to the portrayal of black athletic apparel commercials 26 January 2009
Identification and characterization of RAPD markers linked to the V1 avirulence gene of Ustilago hordei 26 January 2009
