
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Utilizing decision matrices to validate kindergarten screening measures 17 December 2008
Nested group communication for wide-area networks 17 December 2008
A new method for estimating the number of motor units in a muscle 17 December 2008
The chemistry of thujone : enantioselective syntheses of drimanetype antifeedants and ambergris fragrances 17 December 2008
A photochemical study of dibenzobarrelene amides and ester-amides: solution and solid state rearrangements 17 December 2008
Gas phase ion-moleculae chemistry of an analogous series of aryl transition-metal carbonyl compounds by Fourier transformation ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry 17 December 2008
Chemisorption studies on the Rh(100) and Zr(0001) surfaces 17 December 2008
Asymptotic inference for segmented regression models 17 December 2008
Learning from the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympic Games about Aboriginal peoples of Canada 17 December 2008
The prosodic structure of Finnish and the theory of phonological government 17 December 2008
The intertextual novel and the interrelational self : Kurahashi Yumiko, a Japanese postmodernist 17 December 2008
Aspects of cholesterol metabolism in suckling and adult guinea pigs and term and preterm human infants 16 December 2008
A two-period model of signaling with ownership retention 16 December 2008
Application of optimization for the enzymatic synthesis of sweet aspartyl dipeptide analogs catalyzed by thermolysin 16 December 2008
Detection and localization of pre-cancerous lesions and early lung cancer using tissue autofluorescence 16 December 2008
Spin-transfer measurement for the [pi] d --> pp reaction at energies spanning [delta] resonance 16 December 2008
The influence of the earth’s rotation on the wind-driven flow in Hecate Strait, British Columbia 16 December 2008
For the better administration of justice : county court reform in late-nineteenth-century British Columbia 16 December 2008
Myelin water imaging : development at 3.0T, application to the study of multiple sclerosis, and comparison to diffusion tensor imaging 16 December 2008
Characterization of the effects of P30-35 CAMAL on normal and leukemic myelopoiesis 16 December 2008
Improved delivery of Porphyrin derivatives to identified targets 16 December 2008
Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) ammonite biostratigraphy and ammonite fauna of North America 16 December 2008
Studies on the effects of saccharin on synaptic transmission in the hippocampus 16 December 2008
Effects of swine manure, chemical fertilizer, and drainage control on water quality 16 December 2008
Force control for robotic manipulators with structurally flexible links 16 December 2008
Automatic model structure determination for adaptive control 16 December 2008
Variables affecting persistence in distance education in the natural resource sciences 16 December 2008
Aspects of Bi₂Sr₂Ca₂Cu₃O on silicon bolometer fabrication and operation 16 December 2008
The Charles culture of the Gulf of Georgia : a re-evaluation of the culture and its three sub-phases 16 December 2008
Fluorescein, acrylodan and pyrene conjugates of horse plasma gelsolin : responses to calcium, actin and tropomyosin 16 December 2008
Contextualizing the gendered and industrial bias of technology education 16 December 2008
XPS studies of adhesion at organosilane/aluminum interfaces 16 December 2008
Production and behaviour of four strains of laying hens kept in conventional cages and a free run system 16 December 2008
Three phase boundary length and effective diffusivity in modeled sintered composite solid oxide fuel cell electrodes 16 December 2008
Trade protectionism and industrial decline : a hegemonic analysis of U.S. auto trade policy toward Canada during the postwar period 16 December 2008
The color-coded cloze procedure : a method to assist adult ESL students in searching for clues to fill in cloze blanks 16 December 2008
What does Canada want? : reactions to the Allaire Report in and out of Quebec as expressed in the written press 16 December 2008
English as a second language (ESL) student teachers’ perceptions of change in their practical knowledge over the course of a 20-hour practicum 16 December 2008
Nursing and creativity: Does the speciality make a difference? 16 December 2008
CA²⁺-activated potassium channels in smooth muscle cell from cerebral artery of adult rat 16 December 2008
Place names and the rediscovery of former landscapes in Izumo City and Hikawa Town, Japan 16 December 2008
Order effects in the measurement of social development 16 December 2008
Differentially detected MSK and GMSK modulation schemes in CCI channels for mobile cellular telecommunication systems 16 December 2008
Child molesters’ retrospective accounts of their acts and subsequent reasoning on ethical issues 16 December 2008
Analysis of particle deformation mechanisms and compact expansion during compaction on a high speed rotary tablet press 16 December 2008
The European communities and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries : political, economic and legal effects of the single European act 1986 on post-1992 economic relations 16 December 2008
Spouted bed hydrodynamics at temperatures up to 580 C 16 December 2008
A compartmental model of human microvascular exchange 16 December 2008
The relationship between interpersonal problems and negative childhood experiences 16 December 2008
Children’s transitive reasoning: effects of visual-spatial and linguistic task conditions 16 December 2008
