
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Mothers’ perception of early childhood education as a function of ethnic background 09 September 2008
Searching for planets 09 September 2008
Greek knowledge of India before the fourth century B.C 09 September 2008
South Asian women in Canada and media discourse : a feminist collaborative analysis 09 September 2008
The relationship between attitudes towards specific mathematics topics and achievement in those domains 09 September 2008
Metalloporphyrin catalyzed oxidation of chlorophenols 09 September 2008
Determination of the dynamic strength of iron at low temperature 09 September 2008
The New School, 1962-1977 09 September 2008
Women, the household economy and the informal sector in Hanoi 09 September 2008
Job satisfaction in critical care nurses 09 September 2008
Knowledge and skills for chief nurse executives : a survey of practitioners 09 September 2008
Penalizing corporations for environmental offences : a comparative study of the Canadian experience and the Finnish law proposal 09 September 2008
The effects of changing the interstimulus interval during habituation in Caeorhaditis elegans 09 September 2008
Regulations and their review in the People’s Republic of China 09 September 2008
Microvascular exchange in human tissue 09 September 2008
Influence of the thermal environment on forest cover selection and activity of moose in summer 09 September 2008
Criteria-based content analysis : an experimental investigation with children 09 September 2008
A study of the theory of appraisal for selection 09 September 2008
Teachers’ perspectives of giftedness among students who are deaf or hard of hearing 09 September 2008
Access and accessibility to Canadian vital event records 09 September 2008
Corporate voluntary disclosures of pre-decision information 09 September 2008
Accountability in archival science 09 September 2008
The molecular biology of calbindin-D₉ 09 September 2008
Sustainability and economic policy analysis 09 September 2008
Zoning and the single-family landscape: large new houses and neighbourhood change in Vancouver 09 September 2008
Electrical resistivity of partially saturated sandstones 09 September 2008
Oblique wave reflection from a model rubble-mound breakwater 09 September 2008
Bayesian statistics for fishery stock assessment and management 09 September 2008
Regulation of the versican gene : implications for vascular health and disease 08 September 2008
Viral ecology of lakes : a descriptive and ecological study of viruses that infect phytoplankton 08 September 2008
Differential polarisation studies of the deffuse interstellar band and Be stars 08 September 2008
Cooperative and intelligent control of multi-robot systems using machine learning 08 September 2008
Plastic deformation of gallium arsenide 08 September 2008
Solid solubility of silver in the superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O compound 08 September 2008
Collaborative planning of interdisciplinary experiences : a case study at the middle school level 08 September 2008
Investigation into the importance of geochemical and pore structural heterogeneities for shale gas reservoir evaluation 08 September 2008
Chemistry of the drainage from a waste dump at BHP-Utah Mines Ltd, Island Copper mine 08 September 2008
CBD-cellulose : a novel adjuvant system 08 September 2008
Surface science studies of conversion coatings on 2024-T3 aluminum alloy 07 September 2008
Enchanted desires, sacred embodiments : sex and gender variant spiritualities in Weimar Germany 07 September 2008
High-throughput characterization of mutations in antioxidant responsive elements 07 September 2008
Partitioning of the response to cAMP via two specific Ras proteins during Dictyostelium discoideum development 07 September 2008
The effects of release techniques on the reproductive performance and post-fledging juvenile survival of captive-bred Western Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in the Nicola Valley, British Columbia 07 September 2008
Corrosion of basic refactories in non-ferrous converters 07 September 2008
An assessment of historical changes in aquatic biota, water and sediment quality within a catchment at a developing urban front 07 September 2008
Structural examination of voltage gated potassium channels by voltage clamp fluorometry 07 September 2008
Population patterns of hair zinc, dietary and socio-demographic determinants 07 September 2008
Decommissioning citizenship : the organization of long-term residential care 07 September 2008
Influence of social housing conditions on mouse mammary tumor growth and behavior 05 September 2008
The ontogeny and functional distribution of novel, neurochemically-defined columns in mammalian visual cortex 05 September 2008
