
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Capacity building for peace? The European Union's impact on security sector reform in Moldova and Georgia 26 October 2008
The big shoes of Little Bear : the publication history, emergence, and literary potential of the easy reader 26 October 2008
Reorganization of brain function during force production after stroke 26 October 2008
Cross layer scheduling and resource allocation algorithms for cellular wireless networks 24 October 2008
Helmholtz and Maxwell : the significance of the Hertzian synthesis 22 October 2008
Ecology of Tigriopus californicus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) in Barkley Sound, British Columbia 22 October 2008
Viscoelastic flows within eccentric rotating cylinders : journal bearings 22 October 2008
Hon-en katedral : the mechanical bride stripped bare in Stockholm, even 21 October 2008
Science and technology education in a civilizing mission 21 October 2008
A New approach to generating and selecting test sequences for conformance testing 21 October 2008
Cognitive architecture and the brain : beyond domain-specific functional specification 21 October 2008
Development of a procedure for power generated from a tidal current turbine farm 20 October 2008
Classification of risk mitigation strategies in construction projects 20 October 2008
A reconfigurable post-silicon debug infrastructure for systems-on-chip 17 October 2008
Numerical study of the duct shape effect on the performance of a ducted vertical axis tidal turbine 16 October 2008
Estimation of photosynthetic light-use efficience from automated multi-angular spectroradiometer measurements of coastal Douglas-fir 16 October 2008
Environmental change, economic growth and local societies : "change in worlds" in the Songpan Region, 1800-2005 15 October 2008
Empiric risk to first-degree relatives of Alzheimer disease patients 14 October 2008
Pulmonary diffusion limitation, V̇ /Q̇ mismatch and pulmonary transit time in highly trained athletes during maximal exercise 14 October 2008
New social movements, Claus Offe, and environmental groups in British Columbia 14 October 2008
A potential flow model for separated flow around airfoils 14 October 2008
Evaluation of capture-recapture estimators using a cyclic snowshoe hare population 14 October 2008
The status and distribution of terrestrial amphibians in old-growth forests and managed stands 14 October 2008
A Study of factors influencing a non-cyclic, island population of snowshoe hares 14 October 2008
Knowing but not knowing: the experience of parents who knew about their baby’s heart defect before their baby was born 14 October 2008
The music industry and Canadian national identity 14 October 2008
Prolegomena to a postmodern theory of law 14 October 2008
3D task performance using head-coupled stereo displays 14 October 2008
Antenna boresight calibration using optimal estimation techniques 14 October 2008
A secure radio-frequency assistive listening device for hard of hearing people 14 October 2008
Promoting food security and respect for the land through indigenous ways of knowing : educating ourselves through Lesotho Qacha's Nek community project 14 October 2008
Producing publics : an ethnographic study of democratic practice and youth media production and mentorship 14 October 2008
The electrochemical mediation of oxygen delignification of pulp with a manganese polyol complex 14 October 2008
New symmetries from old: exploiting lie algebra structure to determine infinitesimal symmetries of differential equations 14 October 2008
The effect of ammonial loading, solids retention time and operating temperature on the biological nitrification and denitrification of high ammonia landfill leachate 14 October 2008
Diazine-bridged coordination polymers of copper and nickel : synthesis and thermal, spectral, structural, and magnetic properties 14 October 2008
Unconventional forms of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and the striatum 14 October 2008
Subversion, transcendence, and rejection history in the fiction of contemporary Chinese avant-garde writers Su Tong, Yu Hua, and Ge Fei 13 October 2008
Genealogies of desire : "Uranianism", mysticism and science in Britain, 1889-1940 13 October 2008
Isovaline : a new analgesic 13 October 2008
Microglial-mediated inflammatory responses and perturbed vasculature in an animal model of inflamed Alzheimer's disease brain 13 October 2008
Quantitative analysis of quota trading behaviour at the end of the quota year 13 October 2008
Making sense of change : how place-specific cultural models and experiential influencers are shaping understandings of climate change in two BC coastal communities 13 October 2008
A role for epigenetic modifications in the maintenance of mouse Ly49 receptor expression 13 October 2008
Micro flow control using thermally responsive polymer solutions 13 October 2008
Repositioning BC ferries : from Crown corporation to administrative hybrid 13 October 2008
Potential environmental influences on biological control : can drought improve success and do congeners preferentially exploit different habitats? 13 October 2008
Meeting people where they are at : how nurses, using the framework of harm reduction, make sense of nursing practice with people who use drugs 13 October 2008
Legal, economic, and industrial relations considerations in workforce integrations following corporate mergers 13 October 2008
Parallax : volume management for virtual machines 13 October 2008
