
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Herbivore-plant-soil interactions in the boreal forest : selective winter feeding by spruce grouse 23 July 2008
The antecedents of information security policy compliance 23 July 2008
Correlates of self-reported help-seeking among adolescents 23 July 2008
Development of a CNG intensifier for high pressures 22 July 2008
Simulations of interfacial dynamics of complex fluids using diffuse interface method with adaptive meshing 22 July 2008
Disclosure quality in capital markets from the perspective of analysts 22 July 2008
Educational value is not private! : defending the concept of public education 22 July 2008
How do adolescents define depression? Links with depressive symptoms, self-recognition of depression, and social and emotional competence 21 July 2008
The effects of computer music learning activities on the tonal aptitudes of Canadian students 21 July 2008
Thermorheology and processing of polyethylene blends : macromolecular structure effects 21 July 2008
Architecture of the Silurian sedimentary cover sequence in the Cadia porphyry Au-Cu district, NSW, Australia : implications for post-mineral deformation 21 July 2008
Applications of microwave technology to wastewater treatment 21 July 2008
Evaluation of the impact of the Northern Medical Program : perceptions of community leaders 20 July 2008
Reactive uptake of O₃ and N₂O₅ on organic mixtures and inorganic solutions coated with organic monolayers 20 July 2008
Method development for the comprehensive analysis of post translational modifications by mass spectometry 20 July 2008
Rough music, rough dance, rough play : misrule and Morris dance 20 July 2008
A Dybyuk's journey : a directorial process of Tony Kushner's "A Dybbuk" 20 July 2008
Composition of cuticular wax on the leaves of kalanchoe daigremontiana 20 July 2008
Three essays on automobile pricing 20 July 2008
Differential modulation of T-type voltage gated calcium channels by G-protein coupled receptors. 17 July 2008
Cutter-workpiece engagement identification in multi-axis milling 17 July 2008
Interregional ecology - resource flows and sustainability in a globalizing world 16 July 2008
Korean immigrants' social practice of heritage language acquisition and maintenance through technology 16 July 2008
Essays in international trade, political economy of protection and firm heterogeneity 15 July 2008
Studies on the stimulant action of human gamma-globulin on spontaneous contractility: interaction with K⁺-channel openers and postaglandin inhibitors 15 July 2008
Investigations of water and tracer movement in covered and uncovered unsaturated waste rock 15 July 2008
Approach-avoidance motivation across cultures 15 July 2008
CMOS bulk-driven mixers with passive baluns 15 July 2008
Biorefinery feedstock availability and price variability : case study of the Peace River region, Alberta 14 July 2008
There is no other land, there is no other life but this : an investigation into the impact of gender on social capital and resilience in four rural, island communities of British Columbia. 14 July 2008
Challenges, collaborative interactions, and diagnosis performed by IT security practitioners : an empirical study 14 July 2008
Regulation of virulence and antimicrobial peptide resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa 14 July 2008
Factors affecting the timing and success of sockeye salmon spawning migrations 11 July 2008
Identification, regulation and lineage tracing of embryonic olfactory progenitors 10 July 2008
Virtual five-axis flank milling of jet engine impellers 09 July 2008
Improving hydrometeorologic numerical weather prediction forecast value via bias correction and ensemble analysis 08 July 2008
Sexual behaviours among a cohort of street-involved youth in Vancouver 06 July 2008
The regulation of protein synthesis in adult rat cardiomyocytes 06 July 2008
Gender and livelihood politics in Naga City, Philippines 03 July 2008
Living the divine spiritually and politically : art ritual and performative/pedagogy in women's multi-faith leadership 03 July 2008
Expectation, the placebo effect and Parkinson's disease : an investigation using high-resolution positron emission tomography 02 July 2008
Microparticle retention aid systems in mechanical pulp suspensions 02 July 2008
An investigation of the physiological roles and enzymatic properties of invertases in tobacco and hybrid poplar 02 July 2008
Fridge space : journeys of the domestic refrigerator 02 July 2008
Olfactory ensheathing cell mediated mechanisms of neurite outgrowth and axon regeneration 30 June 2008
Identification of differentially expressed genes in AHI-1-mediated leukemic transformation in cutaneous t-cell lymphoma 30 June 2008
The effects of topical calcipotriol treatment on immune responses to vaccination 29 June 2008
Plasma concentrations of nelfinavir and viral suppression in HIV-1 infected pregnant women 29 June 2008
Experiments and modeling of size reduction of switchgrass in laboratory rotary knife mill 29 June 2008
Protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation and degradation of CDK8 : implications for yeast filamentous growth 26 June 2008
