
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
The experience of doing science with an artistic spirit : a hermeneutic phenomenological study 11 June 2008
Relations of power, networks of water : governing urban waters, spaces, and populations in (post)colonial Jakarta 05 June 2008
Calcium vapour deposition on semiconducting polymers studied by adsorption calorimetry and visible light absorption 03 June 2008
Evaluating social welfare implications of forestry policies when economic and environmental values matter in a British Columbia context 03 June 2008
Seepage induced instability in widely graded soils 03 June 2008
Comparative analysis of high input voltage and high voltage conversion ratio step-down converters equipped with silicon carbide and ultrafast silicon diodes 02 June 2008
The Newfoundland Diaspora 02 June 2008
Significance of low-abundance transcripts detected in Caenorhabditis elegans muscle SAGE libraries 01 June 2008
Comparing the distribution of pathogenic bacteria and common indicator microorganisms in biofilms on different surface types in an agricultural watershed in British Columbia (Canada) 29 May 2008
Extending linear grouping analysis and robust estimators for very large data sets 28 May 2008
Prediction of sound pressure and intensity fields in rooms and near surfaces by ray tracing 25 May 2008
The orientation state of semi-dilute rigid fibre suspensions in a linearly contracting channel 21 May 2008
Tectonic significance of the Atnarko complex, Coast Mountains, British Columbia 15 May 2008
Visual exploratory analysis of large data sets : evaluation and application 15 May 2008
Cardiovascular function in animal models of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes : the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) 11 May 2008
Design of a MEMS-based optical accelerometer with large measurable range and high sensitivity 11 May 2008
Ontology alignment in the presence of a domain ontology : finding protein homology 08 May 2008
Mineworkers' quality of life in remote communities : a multiple case study in the Brazilian Amazon 04 May 2008
Negotiated spaces : work, home and relationships in the Dene diamond economy 04 May 2008
Old gas stations - new fuel for environmental awareness 04 May 2008
Constitutive modeling and finite element analysis of the dynamic behavior of shape memory alloys 01 May 2008
Naturally occurring variations in defensive burying behavior are associated with differences in central neuropeptide expression in the male rat 30 April 2008
Lifetimes of states in 19Ne above the 15O+ alpha threshold 30 April 2008
Self-assembly of amino acids on noble metal surfaces : morphological, chemical and electronic control of matter at the nanoscale 30 April 2008
Semi-automatic fitting of deformable 3D models to 2D sketches 30 April 2008
The Electric Company script development process : "Brilliant! The Blinding Englightenment of Nikola Tesla" 30 April 2008
Spatial organization of sodium calcium exchanger and caveolin-3 in developing mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes 29 April 2008
Metabolic engineering of industrial yeast strains to minimize the production of ethyl carbamate in grape and Sake wine 29 April 2008
Aboriginal forest tenure and governance in British Columbia : exploring alternatives from a Stellat'en First Nation community perspective 29 April 2008
Experimenter audience effects on young adults' facial expressions during pain. 29 April 2008
Hamlet, Nora, and the changing form of tragedy 29 April 2008
Lowveld cotton : a political ecology of agricultural failure in Natal and Zululand, 1844-1948 29 April 2008
Convergence, coooperation, coordination : higher education governance and the Bologna process 28 April 2008
Energy transfer and grain size effects during the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Large Penetration Test (LPT) 28 April 2008
The induction of long-term potentiation attenuates kainic acid-induced excitotoxicity 27 April 2008
Integrated mining, pre-concentration and waste disposal systems for the increased sustainability of hard rock metal mining 27 April 2008
Examining the impacts of pesticide exposure on the survivorship and development of the Great Basin Spadefoot (Spea intermontana) and the Pacific Treefrog (Pseudacris regilla) in a laboratory environment 27 April 2008
Missing baseline information for British Columbia's forests : can timber cruise data fill some gaps? 27 April 2008
Two-dimensional separate-sided surface height profiling of lumber 27 April 2008
Development of a novel liquid chromatography based tool to study post-translational modifications 27 April 2008
Evaluating ecological integrity and social equity in national parks : case studies from Canada and South Africa 25 April 2008
Role of testosterone in mediating prenatel ethanol effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in male rats 24 April 2008
The genesis of ‘giant’ copper-zinc-gold-silver volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits at Tambogrande, Perú : age, tectonic setting, paleomorphology, lithogeochemistry, and radiogenic isotopes 24 April 2008
Directed differentiation of endodermal cells from mouse embryonic stem cells 22 April 2008
A service-oriented approach to topology formation and resource discovery in wireless ad-hoc networks 21 April 2008
Development and implementation of robust large deformation and contact mechanics capabilities in process modelling of composites 21 April 2008
Changing land use and children's health in Mae Chaem, northern Thailand 21 April 2008
Elucide 21 April 2008
Spatializing science and technology studies : exploring the role of GIS and interactive social research 21 April 2008
(E)merging pedagogies : exploring the integration of traditional Aboriginal and contemporary Euro-Canadian teaching practices 20 April 2008
