Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last namesort descending First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Faculty
Dong Xuesen Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer progression and metastasis; Gene and molecular therapy; Prostate Cancer; Drug development; RNA splicing and Gene Regulation; Hormone Dependent Cancers; Endocrine Regulation Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Donner Simon Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Atmospheric sciences; Oceanography; Other media and communication; Climate Science; climate change impacts; Climate policy; Coastal Ecosystems; Marine Environment; Climate modelling and prediction; Science communication; Net-zero emissions; Coral reefs Department of Geography, Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Faculty of Arts
Dubland Joshua Faculty (non-G+PS member) Clinical sciences; Newborn Screening; Biochemical Genetics; Lipids; Metabolism; mass spectrometry Faculty of Medicine
Ducati Fabrizio Postdoctoral Fellow Classical archaeology; Archaeometry; Humanities and the arts
Dutta Souradeep Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Reinforcement learning; Cyber-physical systems; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Eddy Rachel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology; Medical and biomedical engineering; Artificial intelligence (AI); Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); Hyperpolarized 129Xe; Computed tomography (CT); Pulmonary imaging; Lung structure-function; Lung health; Respiratory disease Department of Radiology, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Effros Bonnie Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Humanities and the arts; History of archaeology; Antiquarianism and collecting in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Late antique and early medieval history and archaeology; Gender history and archaeology Department of History Faculty of Arts
Elliott Alison Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other health sciences; rare disease; genomics; Congenital Malformations; Skeletal and limb anomalies; Genetic Counselling; Health services implementation science Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Ellis Jason Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Canadian history; Specialized studies in education; Educational policy; Education policy; history of education Department of Educational Studies Faculty of Education
Elmo Davide Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) philosophy of engineering; rock engineering; geosciences; Numerical modelling; Machine Learning Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Enfield Katey Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer progression and metastasis; Tumour immunology; Cancer genetics; Lung cancer; tumour microenvironment; B cell responses in cancer; Lung cancer genomics; cancer immunology; Spatial biology Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Eshkevarvakili Aref Postdoctoral Fellow Physical sciences; Chemical sciences; Nuclear Physics; particle physics; experimental physics; plasma physics; radiation detectors; nuclear fusion; aerospace; High energy physics; low energy physics; particle accelerators Faculty of Science
Everhart Avery Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health geography; Population geography; Geographic information system (GIS and GPS) applications; Health and community services; Bioinformatics, n.e.c.; Social and cultural geography; Sex and gender-based analysis; Ethical, legal, and social issues in health, health systems and health research; Gender and health relationship; Health information systems (including surveillance); Geographic Information Science; Medical Geography; Demography & Population Studies; Critical Data Studies, Critical GIS & Digital Geographies; Transgender Studies; Intersectionality in Empirical Social Science; Health Services Research & Access to Healthcare; Community-Based Participatory Research; Feminist & Queer Theories; Measuring & Combatting STructural Racism Department of Geography Faculty of Arts
Fast Danya Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social sciences; Substance Use; Substance Use Care; Adolescents and Young Adults; urban health; Urban Poverty; Medical Anthropology; Canada; East Africa Division of Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Faulkner Guy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Kinesiology; Community Health / Public Health; behavioral medicine; Exercise Psychology; mental health; physical activity and public health; physical activity interventions School of Kinesiology Faculty of Education
Fels S Sidney Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Human Computer Interaction; biomechanical modeling of human anatomy; Machine Learning; new interfaces for musical expression; speech synthesis Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Feng Haibo Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Building construction engineering; Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials; BIM; Construction; LCA; sustainability; Wood Products; Zero energy / caron building Department of Wood Science Faculty of Forestry
Ferrara Adi Postdoctoral Fellow Health equity; Environmental, developmental and social factors of youth health; Eradicating health disparities in marginalised populations; 2SLGBTQ+ youth health and healthcare access Faculty of Applied Science
Finbloom Joel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Drug discovery, design and delivery; Biologically active molecules; Nanochemistry; Antimicrobial resistance; Nanomedicine; nanomedicine; Chemical Biology; drug delivery; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Infectious disease; Bacterial Biofilms; Microbiome; Probiotics; Antibiotic resistance Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Fischer Monika Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mycology; mycology; fire-adapted fungi; fungal community ecology; fungal genetics & development; fungal metabolism Department of Botany, Department of Forest & Conservation Sciences Faculty of Science
Fisher Kevin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Prehistoric archaeology; Anthropology; Archaeological theory; Archaeometry; Archeological Data Analysis; Archeological Excavation Methods and Techniques; architecture; built environments; digital archaeology; Dynamics of Social Transformations; Mediterranean archaeology; Near Eastern archaeology; power; Social Life / Societal Life; social interaction; Urban Spaces and Urbanity; urbanism Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies Faculty of Arts
Fisher Alexander Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Music, n.e.c.; Christianity studies (including biblical studies and church history); musicology; music; Sound Studies; History; religious history; european history School of Music Faculty of Arts
Folk Joshua Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Physical sciences; 2D materials and Vanderwaals heterostructures; Quantum electronics; Thermodynamics of quantum systems; Strongly correlated phenomena; Topological phenomena; Quantum transport Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Fong Anthony Faculty (non-G+PS member) Medical, health and life sciences; Media and communications; disaster medicine; health journalism Faculty of Medicine
Forbes Connor Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Urology; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Drug discovery, design and delivery; Endourology; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Kidney stones; Translational research Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Ford Nancy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical physics; Medical biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors); Dental materials and equipment; micro-computed tomography; physiological gating; contrast agents; models of respiratory disease; image-based measurements; dental imaging; x-ray imaging Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry
Frackman Kyle Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cinema studies; Media studies (except social media and digital media); Literature and literary studies; Cultural studies; queer studies; German studies; media studies; history of sexuality; sexuality; sexuality studies; East Germany; film; Gender Studies; history of science; literature; Media; Media Types (Radio, Television, Written Press, etc.); Scandinavia Department of Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Faculty of Arts
Frankel Adam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other basic medicine and life sciences; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Protein Biochemistry; arginine methylation; Histones; Nucleosomes; post-translational modifications; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; Organic Molecules and Biomolecules; Bioactive Molecules; Proteins; Chemical Biology; drug discovery; Target Engagement; yeast; Amino acids Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Friedman Jan Marshall Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other clinical medicine; Genetic medicine; Genomics; Health counselling; Application of whole genome sequencing to diagnose genetic disease; Birth defects epidemiology; Clinical genomics; Developmental Genetics; Genetics and Heredity; Neurofibromatosis Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Frommel Andrea Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Animal physiology, environmental stress; Sustainable Aquaculture; climate change; Early development in fish; Alternative feeds in aquaculture; Fish physiology Applied Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Frostad John Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Food sciences (including food engineering); Emulsions; Physics of Soft Matter; Agricultural Sprays; Food Physics; Interfacial Rheology; Novel Instrumentation; Foams; Fluid mechanics Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Gaballah Sameh Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Medicine
Gaertner David Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Indigenous literatures; Media, visual and digital culture; Critical identity, ethnic and race studies; Indigenous Literature; Digital storytelling; Digital Humanities; Speculative fiction; Reconciliation; New Media; Indigenous Cyberspace Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies Faculty of Arts
Gantois Joséphine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environment and natural resources economics; Ecological applications; Sociology; Human Dimensions of Biodiversity Conservation; environmental economics; Applied Ecology; Rural Sociology; Causal inference; Applied Deep Learning Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability Faculty of Science
Ge Zhouyang Postdoctoral Fellow Mechanical engineering; Physical sciences; Fluid mechanics; active matter; Soft Matter Faculty of Applied Science
Ge Ruiyang Faculty (non-G+PS member) Neuropsychology; Mood Disorder; Big Data; mental illness Faculty of Medicine
Gerrie Alina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clinical medicine; Lymphoid Cancer; Leukemia; genomics; Population-based outcomes; Cellular therapy; Quality of life; Survivorship Division of Medical Oncology Faculty of Medicine
Gitlina Anastasiia Postdoctoral Fellow Natural sciences; Material Sciences; Organic chemistry; Luminescence; Photophysics; Organometallic compounds; Polymers; Emitters; Synthesis; microelectronics; optoelectronics Faculty of Science
Glassheim Eagle Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) European history (except British, classical Greek and Roman); History of Central and Eastern Europe; Environmental History Department of History Faculty of Arts
Goetz Friedrich Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Psychology, social and behavorial aspects; Geographical psychology; Causes and consequences of regional personality differences; Mobility and migration; Wanderlust; Courage; Entrepreneurship; Personality development; open science Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts
Graf Daniel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bone, skin and cartilage science; Cell differentiation, proliferation and death; Developmental genetics (including sex determination); Developmental and degenerative pathologies associated with cartilage, bone, and teeth Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry
Graham Nicolas Postdoctoral Fellow Social sciences; environmental sociology; Global and Canadian Political Economy; Climate Change Policy; Social Networks Faculty of Arts
Grant Amber Postdoctoral Fellow Political geography; Environmental policy; Community planning; urban forests; Environmental justice; community stewardship; sustainability Faculty of Forestry
Grecov Dana Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Tribology Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Groat Lee Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mineralogy and crystallography (except soil mineralogy and chemicals aspects of crystallography); Inorganic geochemistry; Economic geology; mineralogy; crystal chemistry; Geochemistry; economic geology; gem deposits; pegmatites Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Guenette Jordan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Respiratory diseases; Other biological sciences; Clinical exercise physiology; Cardiorespiratory physiology; Mechanisms and management of breathlessness and exercise intolerance; Chronic respiratory diseases Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Gulati Sumeet Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Agricultural economics; Wildlife and habitat management; Ecological policy; Economics of Human Wildlife Conflict; Economics of Urban Transportation; Effectiveness of Carbon Taxes; Effectiveness of Environmental Policy; International Trade and its Effect on the Environment; Political Economy of Environmental and Trade Policy Food and Resource Economics Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Gustafson Stephen James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical physics; Nonlinear partial differential equations; Nonlinear waves; Solitons; Topological solitons; Mathematics of quantum systems; Mathematics of magnetism; Mathematical fluid mechanics Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Haas Kurt Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; Brain Circuit Development; Dendritogenesis; Epilepsy; Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Computation; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Neuronal and Synaptic Activity; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; Synaptic Plasticity Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences, School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Haase Kristen Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Nursing, n.e.c.; oncology; Older Adults; Geriatric oncology; Health systems research; Mixed Methods Research; Qualitative research; Self-management; E-health School of Nursing Faculty of Applied Science
