Steven Morgan

Prospective Graduate Students / Postdocs

This faculty member is currently not actively recruiting graduate students or Postdoctoral Fellows, but might consider co-supervision together with another faculty member.


Research Interests

Access to medicines
Health care policy
Pharmaceutical pricing
Prescribing appropriateness
Comparative policy analysis
Health care financing

Relevant Thesis-Based Degree Programs

Research Options

I am available and interested in collaborations (e.g. clusters, grants).
I am interested in and conduct interdisciplinary research.
I am interested in working with undergraduate students on research projects.

Research Methodology

Health services research
Health policy analysis
Health economics

Graduate Student Supervision

Doctoral Student Supervision

Dissertations completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest dissertations.

Mapping interorganisational collaboration within biomedicine : collaboration in infection and immunity research (2013)

Background: Collaborations between and within sectors facilitate research and development by transferring knowledge among individuals; but it is often unclear who is involved, with whom they are collaborating, and why they are collaborating. I studied the collaborations of Vancouver-based infection and immunity researchers both with local and non-local collaborators, combining innovation systems with economic geography, neo-institutional theory, Bourdieu’s concept of fields, and a social network perspective. My objectives were to determine how different types of proximity affect collaboration, investigate what motivates collaboration, and to explore how institutions affect collaboration. Methods: I used a mixed methods approach that drew on infection and immunity co-authorships, interviews with infection and immunity researchers, and policy documents. I quantitatively analysed co-authorship trends to explore the impact of institutional and geographic proximity on global co-authorship patterns of Vancouver-based infection and immunity researchers through sociograms, proximity variables, and a quasi-Poisson random effects regression. I investigated collaboration rates between and within sectors through relational contingency table and ANOVA network analysis. I mapped the major organisations and regulative institutions involved in Vancouver’s local infection and immunity network by combining interviews, policy documents, and co-authorship data. Based on interviews, I examined how sectoral and organisational institutions and capital influenced action. Results: I found that Vancouver’s infection and immunity network was dominated by the non-commercial sector, particularly universities. The private sector presence was weak. Geographic and institutional proximity increased the proclivity to co-author papers. Hospitals and universities co-authored more papers together than statistically expected. Vancouver-based infection and immunity researchers collaborated to gain capital to further goals, a process shaped by institutions. Conclusion: This study has important implications for science and innovation theory as well as science policy. For both, my primary contribution is to further the understanding that interactions between non-commercial actors play in knowledge translation and innovation, a role that is often underemphasized in both theory and policy.

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Equity in the use and financing of medicines in British Columbia before and after the move to income-based pharmacare (2011)

Background: In May 2003, the B.C. government introduced an income-based pharmacare program, in which subsidy and private payments for prescription drugs are determined according to household income. Given the limited understanding of the equity implications of this policy, the objectives of my thesis were: to determine the degree of income-related inequity in the use of ACE-inhibitors, beta-blockers and statins before and after the introduction of income-based pharmacare in a population of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients; to validate the ability of the Johns Hopkins case-mix adjusters to predict prescription drug expenditures and use, and; to determine the redistributive effect of the move to income-based pharmacare on the overall income distribution in B.C. Methods: Using population-based administrative databases, I identified all AMI patients who survived for at least 120 days after suffering their first AMI between 1999 and 2006. According to their household income level, I examined their odds of initiating on ACE-inhibitors, beta-blockers and statins. Among those who initiated I calculated concentration indices for days of therapy on each of these medicines. I validated the use of the ACG case-mix adjusters to predict both expenditures on and use of prescription drugs using generalized linear models and C-statistics. I performed a redistributive analysis to examine whether, and how, income inequality in the province changed as a result of the differences in prescription drug financing after the introduction of income-based pharmacare. Results: My results reveal that higher income men and women were significantly more likely to initiate on treatment with beta-blockers and statins than those in the lowest income quintile. Higher income men were also more likely to initiate on ACE-inhibitors. Concentration indices reveal that high-income AMI patients received significantly more days of therapy on all three medicines than low-income AMI patients. The ACG case mix system was found to have high predictive ability for both prescription drug expenditures and use. I also found that income-based pharmacare had a redistributive effect that resulted in increased income inequality in B.C. Conclusions: My findings suggest that income-based pharmacare, as it was implemented in B.C., does not meet the health equity standards articulated by Canadians.

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Master's Student Supervision

Theses completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest theses.

Hormonal contraceptive use in Canada: levels, trends, and determinants among reproductive-aged women in British Columbia (2017)

BACKGROUND: Despite widespread use of contraception worldwide, Canadian research on hormonal contraceptive trends is limited. This thesis aims to address this knowledge gap through an investigation of the levels, trends, and determinants of: (1) hormonal contraceptive use in British Columbia (BC) (Study 1), and (2) the use of cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol (CPA-EE), an acne drug that is also known to be prescribed as an oral contraceptive (OC) despite safety concerns (Study 2). METHODS: This thesis consists of two retrospective analyses of de-identified administrative datasets containing health care, pharmaceutical, and sociodemographic information for residents of BC between 2006–2013, inclusive. Study 1 examined incident and prevalent hormonal contraceptive use in a cohort of reproductive-aged women (15–49 years). Study 2 measured incident off-label use of CPA-EE in women aged 15–34. In both studies, logistic regression was used to model relationships between contraceptive use and sociodemographic factors.RESULTS: Study 1 revealed (1) stable prevalence, but declining incidence of overall hormonal contraceptive use, (2) declining rates of OC use, (3) increased rates of hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) use, and (4) decreased odds of hormonal contraceptive use among Chinese and South Asian women. Despite a decline in use, OCs remained the most popular method, accounting for more than 80% of all hormonal contraceptive use. In Study 2, incident use of CPA-EE declined throughout the study period. South Asian women and women with older physicians (65+) were more likely to receive a potentially inappropriate CPA-EE prescription.CONCLUSION: This thesis contributes to a sparse body of literature on hormonal contraceptive use in Canada. While rates of OC use are declining, hormonal IUD use is increasingly widespread, particularly among younger women. Chinese and South Asian women are less likely to be prescribed OCs and may therefore be at greater risk for unintended pregnancy, although this warrants further investigation, as does the influence of provider characteristics on off-label prescribing patterns.

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Disparities in antipsychotic medication use (2011)

Objectives: To examine ethnic and income-related disparities in the use ofantipsychotic medication by conducting a systematic review of the related literatureand a secondary data analysis.Methods: The review was conducted using a protocol developed to systematicallysearch, select and review peer-reviewed articles on ethnic disparities in antipsychoticuse. Study selection and data abstraction were performed by two independentreviewers. The secondary data analysis was conducted to examine income-relateddisparities in antipsychotic use in three cohorts. The first cohort was comprised of 19 to64-year olds who had a recorded schizophrenia diagnosis. Income-related differences inthe essential use of antipsychotics were assessed in this cohort. The second cohort wascomprised of seniors (65 years and older) who had a recorded dementia but notschizophrenia or bipolar disorder diagnosis. The third cohort was of children and youth(18 years and younger) who had no recorded schizophrenia or bipolar disorderdiagnosis. Income-related differences in the potentially inappropriate use ofantipsychotics were studied in these last two cohorts. Disparities in antipsychotic usewere assessed using logistic regression, adjusting for factors that influence medicine use(i.e., age, sex, health status, relevant diagnoses and residence in urban areas).Results: The systematic review found no consistent evidence of ethnic disparities in thereceipt of antipsychotic treatment. However, among those who were treated, ethnicminorities were found to be consistently less likely than non minorities to receive thenewer type of antipsychotics. Results of the secondary data analyses indicate that theodds of essential antipsychotic use were lower in low-income individuals than thosewith higher incomes. Odds of exposure to potentially inappropriate antipsychotic use,on the other hand, were higher among low-income individuals and seniors in long-termcare.Conclusion: There is evidence of persistent disparities in the use of antipsychoticmedication. Periodic examination and studies that identify causal factors and effectiveinterventions are needed to reduce disparities.

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Prescription drug utilization in pregnancy: a systematic review and population-based study in British Columbia, Canada (2010)

Background – There is little evidence on the patterns of prescription drug use during pregnancyin Canada. To address this knowledge gap, the primary objectives of this thesis were to: 1)systematically review published antenatal drug utilization studies, and 2) provide the firstCanadian evidence on prescription drug utilization across the pregnancy period, overall, bytherapeutic category and fetal risk classification, in the province of British Columbia (BC). Methods - This thesis is comprised of two original studies. The first, a systematic review of antenatal drug utilization studies, was conducted according to an a priori protocol and included a double independent review process for the selection of articles and data abstraction. The second, a population-based empirical study in BC, was based on pharmacy claims records linked tomaternal hospital records. The period of pregnancy was constructed from the recorded gestational age and prescriptions filled before, during, and after this period were analyzed. Drugs were classified according to the World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Classification System and US Food and Drug Administration risk categories indicating potential for fetal harm (categories D and X).Results – Published drug utilization studies reveal wide variation in estimates of overallprescription drug use in pregnancy (27% to 93% excluding vitamins and minerals). However,estimates are difficult to compare due to differences in methodology, data sources, classificationof prescription medicines, and inadequate reporting. In BC, the majority of pregnant women(63%) filled at least one prescription in pregnancy and approximately 1 in 12 filled a prescription for a drug with potential risks (category D or X). The most commonly used medicines were antiinfectives, doxylamine, dermatologicals, and drugs acting on the nervous system.Conclusion - A methodological framework and template for reporting exposures in pregnancyshould be developed to improve the quality and comparability of antenatal drug utilizationstudies. Evaluation of medicines with unknown risks that are commonly used in pregnancyshould be a priority for pharmacoepidemiological research. The use of drugs with potential risksshould be targeted by programs to improve appropriate prescribing in pregnancy.

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  • An analysis of expenditures on primary care prescription drugs in the United States versus ten comparable countries (2018)
    Health Policy, 122 (9), 1012--1017
  • Cost-related non-adherence to prescribed medicines among older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of a survey in 11 developed countries (2017)
    BMJ Open, 7 (1), e014287
  • Payers’ experiences with confidential pharmaceutical price discounts: A survey of public and statutory health systems in North America, Europe, and Australasia (2017)
    Health Policy,
  • The cost of entry: An analysis of pharmaceutical registration fees in low-, middle-, and high-income countries (2017)
  • Determinants of trends in prescription opioid use in British Columbia, Canada, 2005-2013 (2016)
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 25 (5), 553-559
  • High-Cost Users of Prescription Drugs: A Population-Based Analysis from British Columbia, Canada (2016)
    Health services research,
  • Pharmacare by the Numbers (2016)
    University of Toronto Medical Journal, 93 (1), 5
  • Postmarket policy considerations for biosimilar oncology drugs (2016)
    The Lancet Oncology, 17 (1), e31--e38
  • Postpartum domperidone use in British Columbia: a retrospective cohort study (2016)
    CMAJ open, 4 (1), E13
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage and Use of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressants in Pregnancy (2016)
    Obstetrics and Gynecology, 127 (3), 553-561
  • Sex differences in the risk of receiving potentially inappropriate prescriptions among older adults (2016)
    Age and ageing, , afw074
  • Association between regulatory advisories and codeine prescribing to postpartum women (2015)
    JAMA, 313 (18), 1861--1862
  • Estimated cost of universal public coverage of prescription drugs in Canada (2015)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 187 (7), 491--497
  • Ethnic disparities in antipsychotic drug use in British Columbia: a cross-sectional retrospective study (2015)
    Psychiatric Services,
  • Geographic Variations in Prescription Opioid Dispensations and Deaths Among Women and Men in British Columbia, Canada (2015)
    Medical care, 53 (11), 954--959
  • Navigating the Evidence: Communicating Canadian Health Policy in the Media. By Noralou Roos, Kathleen O'Grady, Shanon Turczak, Camilla Tapp and Lindsay Jolivet (2015)
  • Sex Disparities in Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Pharmacologic Treatment Initiation and Adherence Problem for Young Women (2015)
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 8 (6), 586--592
  • Trends and determinants of prescription drug use during pregnancy and postpartum in British Columbia, 2002--2011: a population-based cohort study (2015)
    PloS one, 10 (5), e0128312
  • Trends and sex differences in prescription opioid deaths in British Columbia, Canada (2015)
    Injury prevention, , injuryprev--2015
  • Are Income-Based Public Drug Benefit Programs Fit for an Aging Population? (2014)
    Institute for Research on Public Policy,
  • Framing incremental expansions to public health insurance systems: the case of Canadian pharmacare (2014)
    Journal of health politics, policy and law, 39 (2), 295--330
  • Incentives for valued innovation in the pharmaceutical sector: issues for consideration by domestic and international policy makers (2014)
  • Making Evidence Matter in Canadian Health Policy (2014)
  • Pharmaceutical innovation: can health and economic goals be met? (2014)
  • Price and productivity measurement in a pharmaceutical sector sub-market: The real cost of treating hypertension (2014)
  • Provincial Disparities of Growth Hormone Coverage for Young Adult Survivors of Paediatric Brain Tumours across Canada (2014)
    Healthcare Policy, 9 (3), 80
  • Quebec's drug insurance plan: a prescription for Canada? (2014)
  • The British Columbia medical and hospital atlas: a companion to the British Columbia Rx atlas (2014)
    Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) Publications,
  • The British Columbia Rx Atlas (2014)
  • The Canadian Rx Atlas (2014)
    Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) Publications,
  • The determinants of prescription drug expenditure… and what to do about them (2014)
  • The Drivers of Overspending on Prescription Drugs in Quebec (2014)
    Healthcare Policy, 10 (2), 19
  • The public provision of pharmaceuticals: a synthesis of policies in ten developed countries (2014)
  • Canadian policy makers’ views on pharmaceutical reimbursement contracts involving confidential discounts from drug manufacturers (2013)
    Health policy, 112 (3), 248--254
  • Growth in private payments for health care by Canadian households (2013)
    Health Policy, 110 (2), 141--146
  • Here today, gone tomorrow: The issue attention cycle and national print media coverage of prescription drug financing in Canada (2013)
    Health policy, 110 (1), 67--75
  • Inter-jurisdictional cooperation on pharmaceutical product listing agreements: views from Canadian provinces (2013)
    BMC health services research, 13 (1), 1
  • International best practices for negotiating ‘reimbursement contracts’ with price rebates from pharmaceutical companies (2013)
    Health Affairs, 32 (4), 771--777
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in the use of antipsychotic medication: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2013)
    Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 48 (12), 1861--1872
  • Rethinking pharmacare in Canada (2013)
    CD Howe Institute Commentary, 384
  • Use of product listing agreements by Canadian provincial drug benefit plans (2013)
    Healthcare Policy, 8 (4), 45
  • Canadian Health Policy in the News: Why Evidence Matters (2012)
  • Canadian pharmacare: Looking back, looking forward (2012)
    Healthcare Policy, 8 (1), 14
  • Drug development: innovation or imitation deficit? (2012)
    BMJ, 345, e5880
  • Information behaviour of Canadian pharmaceutical policy makers (2012)
    Health Information & Libraries Journal, 29 (1), 16--27
  • Prescription drug use in pregnancy: a retrospective, population-based study in British Columbia, Canada (2001--2006) (2012)
    Clinical therapeutics, 34 (1), 239--249
  • Stitching the gaps in the Canadian public drug coverage patchwork? A review of provincial pharmacare policy changes from 2000 to 2010 (2012)
    Health Policy, 104 (1), 19--26
  • The effect of cost on adherence to prescription medications in Canada (2012)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 184 (3), 297--302
  • The essential and potentially inappropriate use of antipsychotics across income groups: an analysis of linked administrative data (2012)
    The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 57 (8), 488--495
  • Access to cancer drugs in Canada: looking beyond coverage decisions (2011)
    Healthcare Policy, 6 (3), 27
  • Despite law, fewer than one in eight completed studies of drugs and biologics are reported on time on ClinicalTrials. gov (2011)
    Health Affairs, 30 (12), 2338--2345
  • Does concordance between survey responses and administrative records differ by ethnicity for prescription medication? (2011)
    Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology= Journal de la therapeutique des populations et de la pharamcologie clinique, 19 (2), e248--58
  • Ethnic differences in the use of prescription drugs: a cross-sectional analysis of linked survey and administrative data (2011)
    Open Medicine, 5 (2), 87--93
  • Geographic accessibility of community pharmacies in Ontario (2011)
    Healthcare Policy, 6 (3), 36
  • Income inequities in end-of-life health care spending in British Columbia, Canada: A cross-sectional analysis, 2004-2006 (2011)
    International journal for equity in health, 10 (1), 1
  • Income-related inequity in initiation of evidence-based therapies among patients with acute myocardial infarction (2011)
    Journal of general internal medicine, 26 (11), 1329--1335
  • International Journal for Equity in Health (2011)
    International Journal for Equity in Health, 10, 12
  • Population aging and the determinants of healthcare expenditures: the case of hospital, medical and pharmaceutical care in British Columbia, 1996 to 2006 (2011)
    Healthcare Policy, 7 (1), 68--79
  • Prescription drug use during pregnancy in developed countries: a systematic review (2011)
    Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 20 (9), 895--902
  • Purchasing prescription drugs in Canada: hang together or hang separately (2011)
    Healthcare Policy, 6 (4), 22
  • The cost of drug development: a systematic review (2011)
    Health Policy, 100 (1), 4--17
  • The redistributive effect of the move from age-based to income-based prescription drug coverage in British Columbia, Canada (2011)
    Health policy, 101 (2), 185--194
  • The short-term impact of Ontario's generic pricing reforms (2011)
    PloS one, 6 (7), e23030
  • The sources and popularity of online drug information: an analysis of top search engine results and web page views (2011)
    Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 45 (3), 350--356
  • Do provincial drug benefit initiatives create an effective policy lab? The evidence from Canada (2010)
    Journal of health politics, policy and law, 35 (5), 705--742
  • Effects of prescription adaptation by pharmacists (2010)
    BMC health services research, 10 (1), 313
  • Explaining prescription drug use and expenditures using the adjusted clinical groups case-mix system in the population of British Columbia, Canada (2010)
    Medical care, 48 (5), 402--408
  • Graduate attributes for master's programs in health services and policy research: results of a national consultation (2010)
    Healthcare Policy, 6 (1)
  • Individual and contextual determinants of regional variation in prescription drug use: an analysis of administrative data from British Columbia (2010)
    PloS one, 5 (12), e15883
  • Information Seeking Experiences of Canadian Pharmaceutical Policy Makers (2010)
  • Information-Seeking Experiences of Pharmaceutical Policy Makers (2010)
  • Listening for prescriptions: a national consultation on pharmaceutical policy issues (2010)
    Healthcare Policy, 6 (2), 48
  • Patterns in the use of benzodiazepines in British Columbia: examining the impact of increasing research and guideline cautions against long-term use (2010)
    Health Policy, 97 (2), 122--129
  • Prescription drug accessibility and affordability in the United States and abroad. (2010)
    Issue Brief (Commonwealth Fund), 89, 1--12
  • Prescription drug subsidies in Australia and New Zealand (2010)
    Australian prescriber, 33 (1)
  • Registration for public drug benefits across areas of differing ethnic composition in British Columbia, Canada (2010)
    BMC health services research, 10 (1), 1
  • Sex, drugs and gender roles: mapping the use of sex and gender based analysis in pharmaceutical policy research (2010)
    International journal for equity in health, 9 (1), 1
  • Breadth, depth and agreement among provincial formularies in Canada (2009)
    Healthcare policy, 4 (4)
  • Chronic catastrophes: exploring the concentration and sustained nature of ambulatory prescription drug expenditures in the population of British Columbia, Canada (2009)
    Social Science & Medicine, 68 (5), 919--924
  • Comparison of tiered formularies and reference pricing policies: a systematic review (2009)
    Open Medicine, 3 (3), 131--139
  • Cost-related prescription nonadherence in the United States and Canada: a system-level comparison using the 2007 International Health Policy Survey in Seven Countries (2009)
    Clinical Therapeutics, 31 (1), 213--219
  • Medical and Hospital Atlas (2009)
    Vancouver, BC: UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia,
  • Open access archiving and article citations within health services and policy research (2009)
    Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (JCHLA)/Journal de l'Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (JABSC), 30 (2), 51--58
  • Rx Atlas (2009)
  • Toward an understanding of high performance pharmaceutical policy systems: a “Triple-A” framework and example analysis (2009)
    The Open Health Services and Policy Journal, 2 (1)
  • Twelve years' experience with direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs in Canada: a cautionary tale (2009)
    PloS one, 4 (5), e5699
  • Balancing health and industrial policy objectives in the pharmaceutical sector: Lessons from Australia (2008)
    Health Policy, 87 (2), 133--145
  • Distributional consequences of the transition from age-based to income-based prescription drug coverage in British Columbia, Canada (2008)
    Health economics, 17 (12), 1379--1392
  • On the validity of area-based income measures to proxy household income (2008)
    BMC health services research, 8 (1), 1
    Value in Health, 11 (3), A36
  • Prescription Drug Financing (2008)
    Financing Health Care: New Ideas for a Changing Society, 9, 81
  • Publicly funded medical savings accounts: expenditure and distributional impacts in Ontario, Canada (2008)
    Health economics, 17 (10), 1129
  • The effect of evidence-based drug coverage policies on pharmaceutical R&D: A case study from British Columbia (2008)
    Healthcare Policy, 3 (3)
  • Toward a definition of pharmaceutical innovation (2008)
    Open Medicine, 2 (1), 4--7
  • A population-based analysis of statin utilization in British Columbia (2007)
    Clinical therapeutics, 29 (9), 2107--2119
  • Anatomy of a doctor shortage (2007)
    Available at SSRN 995062,
  • Antidepressant utilization in British Columbia from 1996 to 2004: increasing prevalence but not incidence (2007)
    Psychiatric Services,
  • Direct-to-consumer advertising and expenditure on prescription drugs: a comparison of experiences in the United States and Canada (2007)
    Open Medicine, 1 (1), 37--45
  • Economic Sources for Systematic Reviews of Health Policy (2007)
  • Improving health outcomes in Canada (2007)
    A Canadian priorities agenda: policy choices to improve economic and social well-being, , 291--325
  • Influencing drug prices through formulary-based policies: lessons from New Zealand (2007)
    Healthcare Policy, 3 (1)
  • Pharmaceutical use and outcomes: Always a need for a sober second look (2007)
    Healthcare Policy, 3 (1), 10
  • Publicly Funded Medical Savings Accounts: Expenditures and Distributional Impacts (2007)
  • A cross-national study of prescription nonadherence due to cost: data from the joint Canada-United States Survey of Health (2006)
    Clinical therapeutics, 28 (8), 1217--1224
  • Antidepressant utilization in British Columbia, Canada (2006)
  • Centralising Drug Review to Improve Coverage Decisions (2006)
    Applied health economics and health policy, 5 (2), 67--73
  • Centralized drug review processes in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United kingdom (2006)
    Health Affairs, 25 (2), 337--347
  • Centralized drug review processes: are they fair? (2006)
    Social science & medicine, 63 (1), 200--211
  • Common drug review aids drug coverage decisions (2006)
    PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News, 510, 26
  • Drugs Down Under: The Authors Respond (2006)
    Health Affairs, 25 (4), 1185--1186
  • Health care access in three nations: Canada, insured America, and uninsured America (2006)
    International Journal of Health Services, 36 (4), 697--717
  • Income-based drug coverage in British Columbia: lessons for BC and the rest of Canada (2006)
    Healthcare Policy, 2 (2)
  • Income-based drug coverage in British Columbia: The impact on access to medicines (2006)
    Healthcare Policy, 2 (2)
  • Income-based drug coverage in British Columbia: the impact on private and public expenditures (2006)
    Healthcare Policy, 2 (2)
  • Income-based drug coverage in British Columbia: the impact on the distribution of financial burden (2006)
    Healthcare Policy, 2 (2)
  • Income-based drug coverage in British Columbia: Towards an understanding of the policy (2006)
    Healthcare Policy, 2 (2)
  • Persistence with statin therapy in British Columbia, Canada (2006)
  • Prescription drug expenditures and population demographics (2006)
    Health services research, 41 (2), 411--428
  • Short-lived influence on prescribing trends following publication of the ALLHAT trial (2006)
  • Statin prescribing in British Columbia, Canada (2006)
  • The common drug review: a NICE start for Canada? (2006)
    Health Policy, 77 (3), 339--351
  • Toward a standard definition and measurement of persistence with drug therapy: examples from research on statin and antihypertensive utilization (2006)
    Clinical therapeutics, 28 (9), 1411--1424
  • " Careful scrutiny" of rising drug use, spending in BC recommended (2005)
    PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News, 487, 24
  • “Breakthrough” drugs and growth in expenditure on prescription drugs in Canada (2005)
    BMJ, 331 (7520), 815--816
  • Booming prescription drug expenditure: a population-based analysis of age dynamics (2005)
    Medical Care, 43 (10), 996--1008
  • Canadian prescription drug costs surpass $18 billion (2005)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172 (10), 1323--1324
  • Canadian Rx atlas (2005)
    Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) Publications,
  • Drug expenditure trends in the Canadian provinces: magnitude and causes from 1998 to 2004 (2005)
    Healthc Policy, 1 (1), 85--99
  • First-line first? Trends in thiazide prescribing for hypertensive seniors (2005)
    PLoS Med, 2 (4), e80
  • Medicine by media: Did a critical television documentary affect the prescribing of cyproterone--estradiol (Diane-35)? (2005)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 173 (11), 1313--1315
  • Best Practices: An Outcomes-Based Approach to Decisions About Drug Coverage Policies in British Columbia (2004)
    Psychiatric Services, 55 (11), 1230--1232
  • Canadians confront health care reform (2004)
    Health Affairs, 23 (3), 186--193
  • Drug spending in Canada: recent trends and causes (2004)
    Medical Care, 42 (7), 635--642
  • Internet pharmacy: prices on the up-and-up (2004)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 170 (6), 945--946
  • Outcomes-based drug coverage in British Columbia (2004)
    Health Affairs, 23 (3), 269--276
  • Seniors’ prescription drug cost inflation and cost containment: evidence from British Columbia (2004)
    Health Policy, 68 (3), 299--307
  • Sources of variation in provincial drug spending (2004)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 170 (3), 329--330
  • Technological change as a cost-driver in health care (2004)
    Romanow Papers: The fiscal sustainability of health care in Canada, 1, 27
  • Understanding Health Care Cost Drivers and Escalators (2004)
  • US Medicare reform: why drug companies and private insurers are smiling (2004)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 170 (4), 461--462
  • Who's the fairest of them all? Which provincial pharmacare model would best protect Canadians against catastrophic drug costs? (2004)
    Healthcare Quarterly, 7 (4)
  • Evaluating the cost consequences of genetic tests (2003)
    PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News, 411, 10
  • Persistence with hypertension treatment among community-dwelling BC seniors. (2003)
    The Canadian journal of clinical pharmacology= Journal canadien de pharmacologie clinique, 11 (2), e267--73
  • Pharmaceuticals: therapeutic interchange and pricing policies (2003)
  • Post-Romanow pharmacare: last-dollar first... first-dollar lost? (2003)
    HealthcarePapers, 4 (3), 10--20
  • Predictive genetic tests and health care costs [electronic resource] (2003)
  • Predictive genetic tests and health system costs (2003)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 168 (8), 989--991
  • Pricing drugs-Respond (2003)
    HEALTH AFFAIRS, 22 (6), 285--285
  • Strangulation or rationalization? Costs and access in Canadian hospitals (2003)
    Longwoods Review, 1 (4), 10--19
  • The economics of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription-only drugs: prescribed to improve consumer welfare? (2003)
    Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 8 (4), 237--244
  • Whither seniors’ pharmacare: lessons from (and for) Canada (2003)
    Health Affairs, 22 (3), 49--59
  • An assessment of the health system impacts of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines (DTCA). Volume 5: predic (2002)
  • Health economic consequences of an aging population (2002)
    Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2 (2), 81--83
  • Influences on the" health Care Technology Cost-driver" (2002)
  • Peeling the onion: What drives pharmaceutical expenditures in Canada (2002)
    Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) conference Toward a National Strategy on Drug Insurance: Challenges and Priorities, Toronto, ON,
  • Predictive genetic tests and health care costs: a policy framework and illustrative estimates (2002)
  • Predictive Genetic Tests and Health Care Costs: Final Report Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of (2002)
  • Pressions sur la hausse des côuts induites par les technologies des soins de santé (2002)
  • Quantifying components of drug expenditure inflation: the British Columbia seniors' drug benefit plan (2002)
    Health services research, 37 (5), 1243--1266
  • An assessment of the health system impacts of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines (DTCA) (2001)
    Volume III: Patient information on medicines comparative patient/doctor survey in Vancouver and Sacramento. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Health Policy Research Unit,
  • Apocalypse no: population aging and the future of health care systems (2001)
    Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 20 (S1), 160--191
  • Buying Science, Selling Drugs (2001)
  • Statistics and drug utilization: Are prescribing rates really that high? (2001)
    Canadian Medical Association Journal, 165 (11), 1507--1508
  • Health economists meet the fourth tempter: drug dependency and scientific discourse (2000)
    Health Economics, 9 (8), 659--667
  • Pharmaceutical sector price and productivity measurement: exploring the role of agency, incentives and information (2000)
  • Research networks involved in post-market pharmacosurveillance in the United States, United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, Australia, Norway and European Union: Lessons for Canada (2000)
  • Réseaux de recherche engagés dans la pharmacovigilance après la commercialisation aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en France, en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Australie, en Norvège et dans l'Union européenne: Leçons pour le Canada (2000)
  • An Economic Analysis of Self-medication in Canada (1997)
    Change & Resistance: Proceedings of the 6th Canadian Conference on Health Economics, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, August 24-26, 1995, , 146

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