Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology, and Special Education

The Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS) within the UBC Faculty of Education is a community of scholars committed to the use and application of psychological foundations and research to understanding and solving human problems across the lifespan and in diverse contexts including families, communities, schools, and workplaces.

Our faculty forgo the traditional research-practice dichotomy by focusing on the integration of practice and research, working closely with schools, community agencies, and policy makers. They serve as advisors at the provincial, national and international levels.

Students enjoy extensive interaction with professors and have the opportunity to develop their skills and abilities to their highest potential through programs tailored to meet individual needs. We strive to provide opportunities for in-depth collaborations and engagement among students and between students and faculty and staff. Our student body is a rich, inclusive, and multicultural mix from across Canada and around the world.

Master's Students
Doctoral Students
Graduate Degrees Awarded

Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Bedi, Robinder Counselling psychology; Investigating counselling and psychotherapy as Western cultural healing practices; Counselling psychology disciplinary and professional issues in Canada; Heterodox issues in counselling psychology that challenge its dominant narratives and sacred ideas; Counselling/psychotherapy/mental health with Punjabi/Sikh individuals; Neglected topics in the Psychology of Men and Masculinity
Borgen, William Career Counselling, Career/life transitions, Developmental approaches to counselling, Group counselling
Cannon, Joanna language and literacy acquisition of students who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) and struggling readers
Cloth, Allison Adolescence, Adolescent development, Child and Family Counseling in School Settings, Interventions, Mentoring, Program Evaluation, Social Justice, Young People Placed
Cox, Daniel Counselling psychology; Motivations and Emotions; Anxiety; depression; Mental Health and Society; stress; Suicide
Ervin, Ruth Systems Change, Prevention and Intervention Strategies in Special Education
Eryigit Madzwamuse, Suna Curriculum, pedagogy and didactics
Ford, Laurie Early Childhood Assessment, Youth and Families
Fundelius, Erika Special education and disability; Self-determination within and beyond the Expanded core curriculum; Professional development including pre-service and in-service teacher preparation
Haverkamp, Beth Counselling Process Research, Ethics and Professional Issues, Research Design
Hubley, Anita Psychological and health measurement; test development and validation; adult neuropsychological, personality, and mental health topics and assessment; research with general community and vulnerable populations (e.g. elderly, homeless, drug addicted)
James, Susan Cultural Psychology & Psychotherapy, Immigrant Mental Health & Culture Specific Syndromes, Philosophical Psychology, Spirituality & Psychotherapy
Kassan, Anusha Social sciences; Child and youth mental health; Social justice; Multiculturalism and diversity; Feminist-multicultural pedagogy; immigration; Cultural and social justice responsiveness; Anti-oppressive therapy
Katz, Jennifer Inclusive Education; The Three-Block Model of UDL; Universal design for learning (UDL)
Knight, Vicki Floyd Applied Behaviour Analysis; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Developmental Disabilities; Single-Case Research; Academic Interventions; Instructional Strategies
Kroc, Edward Statistical theory and modeling; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Ecological applications, n.e.c.; Psychological methodology design and analysis, and psychometrics; measurement; Measurement error; Statistics; urban ecology; Seabirds; Gulls; Quantitative ecology
Liao, Xiangyi latent variable modeling; item response theory (IRT) models; multilevel modeling and causal machine learning
Lo, Owen Gifted Education, High Ability, Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning, Multiculturalism, Problem Solving, Qualitative Research, Research Methodologies, Sociocultural Approaches to Learning and Teaching
Lucyshyn, Joseph Applied Behaviour Analysis, Behaviour Disorders, Behavioural Family Intervention, Positive Behaviour Support, Single-Subject Research
Mercer, Sterett Special education and disability; Educational psychology; curriculum-based measurement; academic intervention; written expression
Miller, Kenneth Mindfulness and its incorporation into mental health interventions in settings of adversity, Development of culturally grounded assessment and evaluation tools, The use of mixed-methods in intervention development and evaluation research
Nelson, Melanie experiences of Indigenous caregivers within Western systems
Park, CJ Vocational psychology; Career counseling; diversity and social justice; critical consciousness; international and cross-cultural psychology; interventions
Perry, Nancy motivation and self-regulated learning in young children; social perspectives on teaching and learning, reading and writing; accommodating individual difference in general education classrooms; learning disabilities; special education, Metacognition, motivation, and self-regulated learning in elementary school children Social perspectives on teaching and learning, including social cognitive and sociocultural theories, Teacher development, Individual differences, Learning disabilities
Sam, Johanna Education; Psychology, social and behavorial aspects; Human Development; Adolescence; technology; Indigenous Education; Digital Pedagogy
Schanding, Thomas Social and Emotional Learning; Universal Screening; Behavioral/Mental Health Interventions; Autism Spectrum Disorders; LGBTQIA+; Youth Social Justice
Shapka, Jennifer Affective and Emotional Development; Cognitive Development; New Technology and Social Impacts; Technology, Media, Social Media, Adolescents, Cyberbullying, Self-regulation, Online Privacy
Tomfohr-Madsen, Lianne
Vadeboncoeur, Jennifer cultural-historical psychology, child/parent relationships, student/ teacher relationships, play and performance based learning, bridging school and out of school contexts for learning, Alternative schooling and pedagogies, Critical theory, Discourse and critical discourse analysis, ethnography, Qualitative research, Socially constructing knowledge and identity, Sociocultural approaches to learning and teaching, Young people placed
Weber, Barbara Embodiment and Public Space; ethics; Multiculturalism; Multiculturalism and Recognition; Phenomenology and Hermeneutics; Philosophy for Children; Social justice
Wu, Amery Development of new psychometric methods (e.g. reliability of complex assessment designs, validation methods using structural equation modeling or item response theory); methodology for group comparison in item responses (e.g. detection of differential option functioning in multiple choice tests); understanding response processes; large-scale educational assessment and English Language assessment
Zebehazy, Kim Assessment, Instructional Strategies, Problem Solving, Visual Impairment
Zumbo, Bruno Psychological methodology design and analysis, and psychometrics; Statistical theory and modeling; Educational assessment and evaluation; Psychometrics and Test Theory; Mathematical sciences of measurement; Latent Variable Models, Item Response Theory, Factor Analysis, Mixed models; Validity Theory and Validation; Multivariate Analysis


Christine Yu

Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling Psychology (PhD)

Negar Khodarahmi

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Development, Learning, and Culture (PhD)

Tonje Molyneux

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Development, Learning, and Culture (PhD)
Hesse Cassandra's image

Cassandra Hesse

Doctor of Philosophy in Human Development, Learning, and Culture (PhD)

Sophie Ma Zhu

Doctor of Philosophy in Measurement, Evaluation and Research Methodology (PhD)

Xuyan Tang

Doctor of Philosophy in Measurement, Evaluation and Research Methodology (PhD)

Thea Brain

Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education (PhD)

Alexandra Ruddy

Doctor of Philosophy in School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)

Aisha Ghani

Doctor of Philosophy in School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)

Harris Wong

Doctor of Philosophy in School and Applied Child Psychology (PhD)

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