Health Sciences
Health Sciences provides strong clinical research methodology skills that can be applied to academic and clinical interests. Students gain skills in applying epidemiological and statistical methods to evaluating and conducting clinical research.
Course work in clinical research skills includes epidemiological design and analysis, systematic reviews, clinical trial design, data analysis and presentation. Qualitative as well as program and economic evaluation methodology courses are available.
Faculty Members in Health Sciences
Name | Research Interests |
Anis, Aslam | cost effectiveness of AIDS treatments; drug assessments – pharmacoeconomics; health care economics; health regulations, Health economics, rhematoid arthritis, biologic therapies |
Bansback, Nick | inform policies and practices in health through the application of |
Black, Charlyn | Public and population health |
Brauer, Michael | Environmental and occupational health and safety; Health sciences; Public and population health; air pollution; built environment; Community Health / Public Health; environmental health; environmental epidemiology; healthy cities; remote sensing |
Bryan, Stirling | Economics of health care, policy, from UK |
Cox, Susan | Other medical sciences; Sociology and related studies; Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music), architecture and design |
Davies, Hugh William | Environmental and occupational health and safety; Health sciences; Public and population health; Antineoplastic drug hazards; Community Health / Public Health; environmental health; Exposure Assessment; Noise and Health; Occupational Health; Occupational Safety and Health |
Dummer, Trevor | health geography, cancer prevention, environmental exposures, health inequalities, geographic information science, obesity, risk factors, Environmental epidemiology and environment and health interactions, with specific emphasis on cancer etiology and cancer prevention |
Frank, Erica | Health sciences; Public and population health; Other education; Free education; Preventive Medicine; Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Holocaust studies; Exile Reintegration; Democratization; Intervention Research |
Gill, John | Clinical outcomes in kidney transplant patients; Access to kidney transplantation; Living donor transplantation; Cardiovascular risk in transplant patients |
Guhn, Martin | Developmental psychology; Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; social context and child development/well-being; Population health; social determinants of health |
Janssen, Patricia | Health sciences; Public and population health; Gestation / Parturition; health of marginalized women; Lifestyle Determinants and Health; maternal child health; mobile health for pregnancy and parenting; Perinatal Period; social determinants of health |
Kassam, Rosemin | Medical, health and life sciences; Child Health, Malnutrition, Adult Chronic Disease, Geriatrics |
Kazanjian, Arminee | Medical biotechnology; Health systems and policy, equitable access to healthcare; cancer survivorship, psychosocial care |
Kershaw, Paul | child care, parental leave, work-life balance, social policy, social citizenship, responsibilities and rights, gender and politics, income assistance, child benefit package, social inclusion, neighbourhood effects on child development, Canadian federalism, Citizenship, detrimants of Health, social care |
Koehoorn, Mieke | Occupational health, injury, compensation policies, Worksafe BC, Gender Work and Health |
Krausz, Reinhard | addiction, complex concurrent disorders, E -Mental Health, Internet based healthcare, vulnerable urban populaton, Psychosis, opiate addiction, e-mental health, internet based healthcare, vulnerbale urban population, trauma, homelessness and mental health |
Law, Michael | Health care administration; Health sciences; Public and population health; Global Health; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Health Policies; Health Policy; Observational studies; Pharmaceutical policy; Pharmacoeconomics; Pharmacoepidemiology; Program evaluation |
MacNab, Ying | Bayesian paradigm, foundations of statistics, space-time statistics, structured statistical models, taxonomic models, item response theory, inductive reasoning, Bayesian burden of disease methodology, Geometics, Health service and population health geoinformation system, and meta-data innovation in medical and health research |
Manges, Amee | Health sciences; Immunology; Microbiology; Public and population health; Epidemiology; Molecular epidemiology; Public health |
Masse, Louise | Health care administration; Health sciences; Public and population health; Childhood obesity with specific interests in prevention and treatment using lifestyle modification; Films, Membranes and Multiphase Polymers; Health Promotion; Nutrition; Obesity; Physical Activity |
McGrail, Kimberlyn | aging and health care services use; health care costs; health care financing; primary care; health care policy, Variations in health care services use across patients, providers and regions, and their relationship to population health, Aging and the use of health and social services, Personal, economic, and social factors that produce health at an individual and population level, and the role of the health care system in that process |
McLeod, Christopher | occupational heath and the social epidemiology of the working life course. |
Mitton, Craig | Health care administration; Health sciences; Public and population health; Health Policies; Health care resource allocation |
Morgan, Steven | Health policy; Economics of health care; Health services and systems; Access to medicines; Health care policy; Pharmacare; Pharmaceutical pricing; Prescribing appropriateness; Comparative policy analysis; Health care financing |
Murphy, Rachel | Clinical oncology; Health sciences; Human nutrition and dietetics; Public and population health; Aging; Cancer prevention; Community Health / Public Health; Nutrition; Nutrition and Cancer; Obesity |
Naus, Monika | Communicable disease outbreak, control, vaccine, immunization, tuberculosis |
Oberlander, Timothy | Population epidemiological studies that characterize neurodevelopmental pathways that reflect risk, resiliency and developmental plasticity |
Oberle, Eva | Public and population health; Other education; Adolescent Mental Health/ Social-Emotional Wellbeing; Positive youth development; Promoting mental health and wellbeing through schools; Risk and resilience; Research with population-level data; Social and emotional learning in schools |
Ogilvie, Gina | Sexually transmitted infections, human papillomavirus, HIV in women and care for marginalized populations |
Oviedo-Joekes, Eugenia | Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Substance Use; person-centered care in addiction; injectable opioid agonist treatment; Harm reduction |
Patrick, David | Health sciences; Public and population health; Antibiotics and Resistance; Pharmacoepidemiology; Responding to the Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance at Population Level; Response to Emerging Infectious Diseases; Linking Antibiotics in Infancy to Risk of Atopy |
Poon, Brenda | Population-level early identification and early intervention for children with special needs; Complex systems of coordinated service delivery and supports; Family-centered services; Integrated child health information systems; Community-based research regarding social determinants of children |
Sadatsafavi, Mohsen | Respiratory diseases; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Epidemiology; Biostatistics; Respiratory Research |
Schechter, Martin | HIV/AIDS |
Silver, David | Ethics |
Sobolev, Boris | Health care, access, epidemiology, biostatistics, registries, simulation, policy evaluation, Methodology for analysis of waiting times, risk of adverse events while awaiting elective surgery, and the use of simulation experiments in policy evaluation |
Spiegel, Jerry | Global health, International health, environmental health, Cuba, Latin America, Effects of globalization on health, ecosystem approaches to human health, understanding and addressing influences of physical and social environments on health, global health and human security, the economic evaluation of interventions, and health and equity in Latin America |
Spittal, Patricia | Indigenous/Aboriginal Health, HIV work in Uganda, |
Steel, Daniel | Addiction; Diversity; ethics; Opioid crisis; Clinical trials; Equity; Philosophy / Ethics; philosophy of science; Values and science risk; Precautionary principle |
Sutherland, Jason | Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Health care administration; Access to care; Healthcare costs; Health systems; Patient-Reported Outcomes; Quality; Surgery |
Wong, Hubert | Health sciences; Public and population health; Biostatistical methods; Clinical trial design |
Wood, Evan | Public and population health; Addiction; alcohol; Occupational Addiction Medicine; Epidemiology; Evidence-based care of Substance Use Disorders; opioids; Population health |
Yassi, Annalee | occupational health, health of health workers, international health, global health, community-based research, capacity building, Latin America, evidence-based best practices, workplace injury and illness prevention, HIV and TB prevention and care for health workers, South Africa |