Mathematicians use theoretical and computational methods to solve a wide range of problems from the most abstract to the very applied. UBC's mathematics graduate students work in many branches of pure and applied mathematics.
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Faculty Members in Mathematics
Name | Research Interests |
Adem, Alejandro | Cohomology of finite groups, orbifolds, stringy topology, algebra, sporadic simple group, group actions, arithmetic groups, K-theory, homotopy theory, spaces of homomorphisms |
Alacaoglu, Ahmet | Mathematical optimization; Machine learning; Mathematical operations research; Numerical optimization; Machine Learning; Stochastic algorithms; Min-max games; Monotone operator theory |
Angel, Omer | Probability theory, percolation, random graphs, random walks, particle processes, scaling limits |
Bachmann, Sven | Mathematics and statistics; Mathematical Analysis; quantum phenomena; Mathematical physics; Quantum statistical physics; Topological states of matter |
Balmforth, Neil | Fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics and applied partial differential equations |
Behrend, Kai | Moduli spaces, Gromov-Witten invariants, string theory, Donaldson-Thomas invariants, Euler characteristics, categorification |
Bennett, Michael | Number Theory, Diophantine Approximation and Classical Analysis |
Bryan, Jim | Algebraic and differential geometry; Algebraic geometry, moduli spaces, enumerative invariants related to theoretical physics. |
Cautis, Sabin | Mathematics and statistics; Geometry |
Chau, Albert | Differential Geometry and Partial Differential Equations |
Chen, Jingyi | Algebraic and differential geometry; Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations |
Colliander, James | hamiltonian dynamical systems; partial differential equations; harmonic analysis |
Coombs, Daniel | Mathematical biology; Cellular immunology; Complex physical systems; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases; Cell biophysics; Disease models; Epidemiology; Immune cell signalling; Mathematics |
Cytrynbaum, Eric | Bacterial cell division, Microtubule and cellular organization, Wave propagation in excitable media |
Dao Duc, Khanh | Genomics; Mathematical biology; Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks; Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling; combine mathematical,computational and statistical tools to study fundamental biological processes; regulation and determinants of gene expression and translation; Machine Learning for Biological Imaging and Microscopy; Database development and management; Biological and Artificial Neural Networks for geometric representation |
Doebeli, Michael Walter | Mathematical ecology and evolution, evolution of diversity, adaptive speciation, evolution of cooperation, game theory, experimental evolution in microorganisms |
Feng, James | Chemical engineering; Mathematics and statistics; Biophysics; Complex fluids; Fluid mechanics; Mathematical biology |
Fraser, Ailana | Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis |
Friedlander, Michael | numerical optimization, numerical linear algebra, scientific computing, Scientific computing |
Frigaard, Ian | Fluid mechanics (visco-plastic fluids) |
Genovese, Giuseppe | |
Ghioca, Dragos | Drinfeld modules, isotrivial semiabelian varieties, Lehmer inequality |
Gordon, Julia Yulia | Representation theory of p-adic groups and motivic integration; Trace Formula and its applications |
Gustafson, Stephen James | Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical physics; Nonlinear partial differential equations; Nonlinear waves; Solitons; Topological solitons; Mathematics of quantum systems; Mathematics of magnetism; Mathematical fluid mechanics |
Hauert, Christoph | Mathematics and statistics; Modelization and Simulation; Evolution and Phylogenesis; Biological Behavior; dynamical systems; evolution; game theory; social dilemmas; stochastic processes |
Hermon, Jonathan | probability theory; Markov chains and the cutoff phenomenon; particle systems; percolation |
Holmes-Cerfon, Miranda | Mathematical modelling and simulation; Computational methods in statistics; Numerical analysis; Thermodynamics and statistical physics |
Karu, Kalle | Algebraic geometry, toric varieties, log geometry, combinatorics of fans and posets |
Kenne, Steve Cyrille | Calculus of variations, systems theory and control theory; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical biology; Optimal control theory; Partial Differential Equations; Multiscale modelling of infectious diseases |
Kim, Young-Heon | Partial Differential Equations and Geometry |
Laba, Izabella | Harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory and additive combinatorics |
Li, Yue-Xian | Calcium signalling in neuroendocrine cells Fertilization calcium waves in oocytes |
Loewen, Philip | Mathematical optimization; Calculus of Variations; Optimal Control; optimization; Machine Learning |
MacDonald, Colin | List of publications; The Closest Point Method: a new method for PDEs on surfaces; Time-stepping for PDEs: constructing Runge-Kutta methods, strong-stability-preserving methods (visit the SSP Site); WENO spatial discretizations; The Predicted Sequential Regularization Method; List of talks and presentations. |
Madzwamuse, Anotida | |
Marcus, Brian Harry | Coding and information theory, symbolic dynamics, ergodic theory and dynamical systems |
Martin, Gregory | Number theory, Diophantine Approximation and Classical Analysis |
Murugan, Mathav | Probability theory; Metric and fractal geometry; Differential equations and integral equations in pure mathematics; Metric geometry; potential theory; probability theory and analysis; quasiconformal mappings; Relationship between Markov processes and the geometry of the underlying state space; Quasisymmetric Uniformization; Analysis and diffusions on fractals |
Ollivier, Rachel | Langlands Programme, a central theme in pure mathematics which predicts deep connections between number theory and representation theory; |
Ortner, Christoph | Numerical analysis; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Computational chemistry; Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory; Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing; Applied Analysis; Multi-scale Modelling and Coarse-graining; Molecular Simulation; Scientific Machine-learning, in particular for applications in multi-scale modelling |
Peirce, Anthony | Scientific computing, nonlinear dynamics and applied partial differential equations |
Picard, Sebastien | Differential geometry |
Plan, Yaniv | applied probability, high-dimensional inference, random matrix theory, compressive sensing, and matrix completion. |
Pramanik, Malabika | Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, several complex variables |
Ramdorai, Sujatha | Algebraic theory of quadratic forms, non-cummutative Iwasawa theory, motives |
Rechnitzer, Andrew | Enumerative combinatorics, Simulation of combinatorial objects, Lattice statistical mechanics |
Reichstein, Zinovy | Group theory and generalisations; Algebra; Algebraic groups; algebraic geometry |
Robeva, Elina | Statistical theory and modeling; Machine learning; Algebra; Algebraic statistics; Graphical Models; Tensor decomposition; Causality; Applied algebraic geometry; Shape-constrained density estimation; Tensor networks |
Saffirio, Chiara | |
Schiebinger, Geoffrey | Genomics; Mathematics and statistics; Applied & Theoretical Statistics; Computational Genomics; data science; Genetics; Genome Sciences; Machine Learning; Measurement technologies; Models Inference and Algorithms; Single-cell RNA sequencing; Theory of Statistics |