Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy is an active, mid-sized department that has broad interests in philosophical issues within the Anglo-American analytic tradition. Members of the department are engaged in research in philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, aesthetics, ethics, social/political philosophy, logic, Indian philosophy and the history of philosophy.

Master's Students
Doctoral Students
Graduate Degrees Awarded

Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Alford-Duguid, Dominic Philosophy; Philosophy of mind/cognitive science; Philosophy of Language
Amijee, Fatema Metaphysics; Modern Philosophy; feminist philosophy; History of Analytic Philosophy
Anderson, Scott Allen intersection of ethics and social and political philosophy, largely focused on how to use and regulate power, coercion, and social norms; action theory and moral psychology, privacy, and problems related to the intensification of technology and information.
Ayars, Alisabeth Ethics, Metaethics, Metaphysics, Moral Psychology, Epistemology, Cognitive Science
Aydede, Murat Philosophy; Philosophy of Mind
Ballarin, Roberta Philosophical logic, nature and sources of necessity
Bartha, Paul Philosophy of sciences and technologies; Environmental philosophy; philosophy of science; Philosophy of Probability; Confirmation; Decision Theory
Beatty, John Henry Socio-political dimensions of genetics and evolutionary biology
Bedke, Matthew Philosophy; Philosophy, History and Comparative Studies; Foundations of Ethics; Social Organization and Political Systems; Ethics and Fundamental Issues of Law and Justice; epistemology; ethics; metaethics; philosophy of law; political philosophy
Berryman, Sylvia Philosophy; Ancient Greek natural philosophy; Aristotle's ethics; ethics and global poverty; Philosophy, History and Comparative Studies
Brownlee, Kimberley Philosophy; Applied Ethics; Ethics and Fundamental Issues of Law and Justice; Ethics and Health; Human Rights and Liberties, Collective Rights; Social Aspects of Aging; Belonging; Civil Disobedience and Conscientious Objection; Loneliness; Philosophy of Punishment; Social Human Rights; Virtues and Vices
Griffin, Michael Greek philosophy, Ancient philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Proclus, Neoplatonism, Ancient logic
Ichikawa, Jonathan Epistemology; Feminist philosophy; Human rights, justice, and ethical issues; Philosophy of language; Social philosophy; epistemology; ethics; Philosophy of Language; feminist philosophy; ethics of belief; knowledge; skepticism; context-sensitivity; consent; ethics of sex; rape culture
Jenkins, Carrie Philosophy; Creative writing; Philosophy, History and Comparative Studies; Creative scholarship; Creative Writing; epistemology; Language and meaning; Metaphysics; Philosophy of love; Romantic love; Fiction; Poetry
Lopes, Dominic Aesthetics
Margolis, Eric Humanities and the arts; Philosophy of cognitive science; Philosophy of Mind
Mole, Christopher Philosophical issues that arise from the attempt to understand the mind scientifically, aesthetics of literature
Prueitt, Cat Epistemology and Methodology; Asian Philosophy; Metaphysics; Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of mind/cognitive science
Richardson, Alan Walter History of philosophy of science in early twentieth century
Schabas, Margaret History and philosophy of economics; Economics and business administration; History and Philosophy of Economics; Philosophy, History and Comparative Studies; science studies; History of Early Modern Philosophy; British Empiricists
Simchen, Ori Philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of law
Slingerland, Edward Asian Studies, Chinese philosophy, philosophy, religion, religion and conflict, secularism, spontaneity, ethics, science-humanities integration, interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary research, Chinese thought, religious studies (comparative religion, cognitive science and evolution of religion), cognitive linguistics (blending and conceptual metaphor theory), ethics (virtue ethics, moral psychology), evolutionary psychology, the relationship between the humanities and the natural sciences, and the classical Chinese language
Stephens, Christopher Philosophy; philosophy of biology; philosophy of science; rationality; scientific philosophy; Why be rational?
Thompson, Evan Philosophy; Asian Philosophies; Cognitive Science; Phenomenology; Philosophical Foundations; Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy, History and Comparative Studies; Theories and Philosophies
Wylie, Alison Philosophy; feminist philosophy; philosophy of archaeology; philosophy of science; philosophy of the social and historial sciences; Philosophy, History and Comparative Studies; research ethics (non-medical); science studies




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