
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Analysis and computation of immersed boundaries, with application to pulp fibres 17 April 2009
Solution methods for differential systems subject to algebraic inequality constraints 17 April 2009
Alcohol-dependent men and their spouses: an ecosystemic analysis of empirically-derived alcoholic subtypes 17 April 2009
Kapītipis ē-pimohteyahk: aboriginal street youth in Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal 17 April 2009
Abstract thinking in criminal psychopaths 17 April 2009
Western Arctic women artists’ perspectives on education and art 17 April 2009
Staff experience of bank robbery events : a phenomenological study 17 April 2009
Emerging teacher identity: a study in learning to teach through the experiences of a secondary social studies methods course 17 April 2009
The grandmother stories : oral tradition and the transmission of culture 17 April 2009
Pharmacokinetics, metabolism, placental transfer and fetal effects of Valproic acid in pregnant sheep 17 April 2009
Mechanisms of hypertension in hyperinsulinemic and insulin resistant fructose hypertensive rats 17 April 2009
Structure/calcium affinity relationships of calmodulin site III : testing the acid-pair Hypothesis using calmodulin mutants 17 April 2009
Dual adaptive control of chip refiner motor load 17 April 2009
Dynamic mechanical response of airway mucosal membrane 17 April 2009
System identification, control algorithms and control interval for the Box-Jenkins dynamic model structure 17 April 2009
Cytokine-dependent regulation of human hematopoietic cell self-renewal and differentiation in suspension cultures 17 April 2009
Heat transfer near the transition to turbulent fluidization 17 April 2009
Cultural colonialism and ethnography : European travellers in nineteenth century Ecuador 17 April 2009
Tourism and Ghana’s development process : problems of and prospects for creating a viable "post-industrial" service industry in a non-industrial society 17 April 2009
Competition between paper birch and douglas-fia in two different biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia 17 April 2009
Evaluation of statistical methods for estimating long-term population change from extensive wildlife surveys 17 April 2009
Relationships between climate and annual radial growth in three coniferous species in interior British Columbia, Canada. 17 April 2009
Responses of some conifers to light availability: survival, growth, morphological characteristics, and physiological behavior 17 April 2009
Allegories of the postmodern: the work of Wilfred Watson and R. Murray Schafer 17 April 2009
From secular to sacred flyting : the Anglo-Saxon re-analysis of the Christian war of words in Old English religious prose and verse 17 April 2009
The problem of form in Gyorgy Ligeti’s Automne a Varsovie, from Etudes pour piano, premier livre 17 April 2009
The canzoni da sonar con ogni sorte d’istromenti, 1625 of Giovanni Picchi 17 April 2009
Multimodulus algorithms for blind equalization 17 April 2009
Full frequency-dependent phase-domain modelling of transmission lines and corona phenomena 17 April 2009
Photo-chemical evolution of elliptical galaxies and the intergalactic medium 17 April 2009
From Westphalia to post-Westphalia: European integration and the debate about economic and monetary union, 1980-1991 17 April 2009
Dosimetry studies of small fields in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media for high energy photons 17 April 2009
The politics of authoritarianism : the state and political soldiers in Burma, Indonesia, and Thailand 17 April 2009
Analytical calculation of photon distributions in SPECT projections 17 April 2009
Testing the anarchy tenet : an empirical analysis of the anarchy-cooperation and anarchy-conflict relationships 17 April 2009
Synthesis and characterization of oligometallic and polymetallic transition metal azolates 17 April 2009
Some aspects of the distribution and fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in the Kitimat fjord system 17 April 2009
Study of templation and molecular encapsulation using highly stable and guest-selective self-assembling structures 17 April 2009
Aqueous solution studies of multidentate ligands with trivalent metal ions 17 April 2009
Winning consent: the protracted campaign for an anti-corporatist "common sense" 17 April 2009
The effects of an 18-month weight-training and calcium-supplementation program on bone mineral of adolescent girls 17 April 2009
Context to a conversation : the contribution of science to sustainable forestry 16 April 2009
Seasonal oscillations in the mass and food intake of Steller sea lions 16 April 2009
The fast-start and sprinting ability, and the effects of growth hormone (GH) upregulation on the muscle functioning of GH-transgenic coho salmon. 16 April 2009
The 'involved father' : narratives of gender, power and knowledge in the transition to fatherhood 16 April 2009
Effects of confining pressure and static shear on liquefaction resistance of Fraser river sand 16 April 2009
Mussels as indicators of cadmium and lead in the marine environment 16 April 2009
Hierarchical representation of information for construction methods selection 16 April 2009
Volatile fatty acid metabolism in thermophilic aerobic digestion of sludge 16 April 2009
Discovering musical characteristics of children's songs from various parts of the world 16 April 2009
