
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
A theoretical toolbox for the simulation and design of HBTs constructed in the Al Ga₁₋ As and Si₁₋ Ge material systems 22 April 2009
Superovulation and chromosomal aberrations 22 April 2009
Evaluation of equipment reliability, availability and maintainability in an oil sands processing plant 22 April 2009
An experimental study of the use and effects of hypertext-based explanations in knowledge-based systems 22 April 2009
The socioeconomic and spatial transformation of the Shenyang-Dalian Extended Metropolitan Region of China, 1978-1992 22 April 2009
Thermal remote sensing of urban surface temperatures 22 April 2009
Advertising: between economy and culture 22 April 2009
Geometrical aspects of localization theory 22 April 2009
Riding style, party ethos : nominations, candidates and local campaigns in Canadian federal elections 22 April 2009
Studies of the microwaves surface resistance of pure, zinc, and nickel doped YBCO crystals 22 April 2009
A detailed mechanistic investigation of the exoglycanase from Cellulomonas fimi 22 April 2009
Superacid studies : syntheses, structures and solution studies of Sb(III) and Sb(V) fluoro fluorosulfato derivatives 22 April 2009
Coordination chemistry of lanthanides with multidentate ligands 22 April 2009
The labour market adjustment of immigrant families 22 April 2009
Afferent drama / efferent cinema: the structure of modern Canadian and Québécois film-mediated drama from 1972 to 1992 21 April 2009
Spousal social support for persons living with rheumatoid arthritis 21 April 2009
Stochastic modeling of space-time processes : an air pollution problem 21 April 2009
Ghanaian children’s music cultures : a video ethnography of selected singing games 21 April 2009
Neural and hormonal control of blood pressure and vascular conductance during hemorrhage in hypertensive rabbits 21 April 2009
The similarities and differences of men’s and women’s personal work networks 21 April 2009
Public report, private information, managerial compensation and effort allocation 21 April 2009
Mechanism of weight loss in the morbidly obese following ileogastrostomy and validation of reported energy intake in normal-weight and morbidly obese subjects 21 April 2009
Effects of chronic stress and diabetes on antioxidant status and myocardial susceptibility to ischemia/reperfusion injury 21 April 2009
Intracellular calcium regulation in the intact endothelial cells from rabbit aortic or pulmonic valves 21 April 2009
Transfer of acquired rule to conditional reasoning as a function of content similarity, attribute dimension size, and acquisition mode 21 April 2009
Local knowledge in physical design and planning : a case study of Chiangmai, Thailand 21 April 2009
Performance modelling and evaluation of protocols based on formal specifications 21 April 2009
Dietary lipids and in vivo antioxidant status in atherosclerosis resistant (rat) and sensitive (quail) animals 21 April 2009
Aesthetic violence : the victimisation of women in the Quebec novel 21 April 2009
Modulation of the MHC class I antigen processing and presentation pathway 21 April 2009
The role of the pufX protein in photosynthetic electron transfer 21 April 2009
The development of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane protein OprF as a presentation vector for foreign antigenic determinants 21 April 2009
Calibration of the Jurassic time scale 20 April 2009
Integrated planning, monitoring, and control of milling operations 20 April 2009
Effect of hydraulic retention time on landfill leachate and gas characteristics 20 April 2009
Forecasting El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events : a neural network approach 20 April 2009
Mechanical properties of granular deposits from self-boring pressuremeter tests 20 April 2009
Stochastic phase dynamics in neuron models and spike time reliability 20 April 2009
Personal agency in employment groups 20 April 2009
An evaluation of the social cultural competency for success training program for the acquisition of intercultural interpersonal competency skills among health care trainees 20 April 2009
Impacts of trade, environmental and agricultural policies in the North American hog/pork industry on water quality, trade patterns and welfare 20 April 2009
A fuctional [sic] analysis of Cis-elements contributing to developmental regulation of gene expression by the 4CL1 promoter in transgenic tobacco plants 20 April 2009
Counterhegemonic pedagogies : educators’ reflections on social vision, subjectivity, resistance and practice 20 April 2009
Criterion-referenced assessment and evaluation as socially situated practice 20 April 2009
Modelling and dynamic simulation of CTMP plant 20 April 2009
Oxidation reduction potential (ORP) as a real-time control parameter in swine manure treatment process 20 April 2009
"They recognize no superior chief" : power, practice, anarchism and warfare in the Coast Salish past 20 April 2009
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for interior spruce (Picea engelmannii x P. glauca) seedlings 20 April 2009
C.K. Stead and three modes of New Zealand poetry 20 April 2009
The English lyrics of the Henry VIII manuscript 20 April 2009
