
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
An experimental study of the effects of the use of an expert support system and its explanation facilities on group decision making 20 April 2009
Structuring in Luciano Berio’s Sequenza IV 20 April 2009
EDX investigation of evaporative losses during the EB melting of SS316 20 April 2009
The interactions of putative neuroprotectant compounds with NMDA ion channels 20 April 2009
High-speed guided-wave electro-optic modulators and polarization converters in III-V compound semiconductors 20 April 2009
Asynchronous hopping and code diversity in frequency hopped code division multiple access systems 20 April 2009
Community-based sustainability and the construction of difference on Galiano Island, British Columbia 20 April 2009
Writing post-person : literacy, poetics, and sustainability in the age of disposable information 20 April 2009
A novel programmable logic array structure with low energy consumption 20 April 2009
On the margins : international society and the De facto state 20 April 2009
Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of some transition metal diorganophosphinate and dimethylarsinate complexes 20 April 2009
Far-from-equilibrium gas kinetic theory : reactive systems and sound propagation 20 April 2009
Second-harmony generation studies of organic salts 20 April 2009
Antibody-catalyzed formation of a 14-membered ring lactone 20 April 2009
Orbital electron density from electron momentum spectroscopy : comparison with AB initio calculations 20 April 2009
Exocyclic alkene synthesis via stereoselective radical cyclizations 20 April 2009
Cytometric detection of nuclear features associated with pre-malignancy or malignancy in human bronchial specimens 20 April 2009
A constant comparative analysis of opposition campaign leaders’ experiences during a controversial referendum about alcohol sale initiated by a commercial interest 20 April 2009
Deeper than mere consultation : negotiating land and resource management in British Columbia, post-Delgamuukw 20 April 2009
High dynamic range display andprojection systems 20 April 2009
Interpreter implementation of advice weaving 19 April 2009
Room sound field prediction for auralization 19 April 2009
Strategies to identify Gliotactin protein interactors in Drosophila 19 April 2009
Quality control with non-normal, censured and truncated data 19 April 2009
Discrete dynamic viscoelastic systems and vibration analysis of an engine supported on viscoelastic mounts 19 April 2009
Underground design and deformation based on surface geometry 19 April 2009
Multiagent manipulator control 19 April 2009
A rest area on Main Street in Blue River, B.C. 19 April 2009
Studies of upper limb function in indivduals with subacute stroke : a multi-site single blind randomized controlled trial 19 April 2009
Examining civic presence : a city hall in Surrey 19 April 2009
A pilot study exploring expressive arts with primary students to promote social competency 19 April 2009
Galling adelgids : gall formation, developmental morphology, characterization, and the genetic susceptibility of spruce 19 April 2009
Oral squamous cell carcinoma and cultural risk factors in patients at Benh Vien Ung Buou Oncology Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 19 April 2009
Estimation of grout distribution in a fractured rock by numerical modeling 19 April 2009
Energetic aspects of osmoregulation in fish 19 April 2009
Genetic analysis of longevity in the Canadian and New Zealand dairy herds 19 April 2009
Retrofitting suburbs : case studies of the evolution of the urban fringe 19 April 2009
Molecular identification of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi 19 April 2009
Postvelar harmony : an examination of its bases and crosslinguistic variation 19 April 2009
Strategic airline alliance : modelling and empirical analysis 19 April 2009
Studies on isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity in rabbits 19 April 2009
Influence of block cave mining on pit slope deformation mechanisms 19 April 2009
Obstacles to collective action in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods : toward a radical planning theory of community crime prevention 19 April 2009
An experimental study of the effects of the use of an expert support system and its explanation facilities on group decision making 19 April 2009
Topic time : the syntax and semantics of SqwXwu7mish temporal adverbials 19 April 2009
Regulation of LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) function 19 April 2009
Post-translational modifications and expression stability of gpi-anchored and secreted forms of a recombinant metalloproteinase 19 April 2009
Multivalent pIII phage display libraries : selected issues and applications 19 April 2009
Dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton production in the Strait of Georgia estuary, British Columbia, Canada 17 April 2009
Analysis and computation of immersed boundaries, with application to pulp fibres 17 April 2009
